ECDC- It takes money to make money. These four subsidiaries are all almost up and running. The last two will be shortly. Keep eyes on the prize, ECDC revenue is exponentially growing. Yes debt increased last quarter, however, it was necessary to appease a higher demand of products, clearly.
Take a common sense approach to ECDC and this thing will go far. Company saw low revenues last year. Demand increased and supply needed to meet that demand. Hence, increasing debt to increase assets. Major contracts coming in that are going to set ECDC's future.
If dilution is your only argument, it's a weak one. This company is about to be on some major radars shortly and will be standing on its own now that the foundations are nearly complete.
Kay has verified deals to show panicy investors that they are in fact legit. Naysayers don't have much gas left in their weak arguments concerning ECDC. GLTA, hope everyones ready for a ride.