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Re: None

Saturday, 07/21/2012 10:34:36 AM

Saturday, July 21, 2012 10:34:36 AM

Post# of 226099
Think I figured out why NO ADS in Android APP’s. Dustin Knows. Started this earlier, hang with me and read on, good DD.

Started this as a recap of a frustrating ANDI 2012 But it changed into why we have no ADS displaying. Not gonna back out the rest of the stuff. As you read, it will all start making since.

The frustrating part of this year for me is we were to have, we thought we were to have 500 APP’s producing revenues at a similar rate to what we have seen in the past well before now. Think even Dustin felt that way.

MOST all, but not ALL of our new APP's were Bought by ANDI at the first of the year for about $2,000 (nothing) and were originally crated by another developer using a code called "Game salad"

FEBRUARY Dustin announced we bought a bunch of App’s and when the coding is reworked for each platform to one free and one paid on both APPLE and Android Market we would have about 500 App’s. Sound great. 500 Apps and we got them for nothing. Quarter just ended in January, we should have some of these out on the market by this quarter ending April, cool! All of ANDI’s attention is now focused on reworking these new App’s coding so we can get them to market.

Dustin's first thought was to recode them for the APPLE Market, ADD our APP cross marketing and AD generating software to them and put them on the APPLE Platform first, since we now that platform best, Android later. Makes since, all of our programmers know the APPLE market, we can get them to market faster that way. Cool, can’t wait to see how we do on quarter ending April with this.

APRIL, Dustin updated us that APPLE approval process is getting harder and that APPLE had removed 4 of our most popular Apps and that they were changing the AD revenue share amount to 70 percent for the developer and 30 percent for APPLE. Dustin said there was nothing he could do about either other than appeal the App issues and rework them as needed for approval.

He also said the App’s we just bought were all developed by the original developer we bought them from using something called “Game Salad” which at the time is coded in such a way that it is incompatible with our backend Data base and ADVERTISING NETWORK. (it will not allow us to promote our other APP’s and it will only work with iADs ad network.) Programmers are working hard to recode and figure out how to make this important part of business model to work. They have figured out a work around for the APP’s sharing part of this problem and should have it ready shortly but the ADVERTISING problem he said they are working with several Game Salad programmers to improve the Game salad coding to allow multiple advertising networks. The programmers said that this may take 60-90 days, so Dustin instructed our developers not wait and deploy as many App’s in the APPLE market as quickly as possible. At this point, the Game salad will only work with iADS which only gets a 30% fill rate. (We are use to 90%).This is much less that we have had with our own ad network but we will add the improvements to Game Salad APPs when we can.

Another April update saying the programmers finished the APP wall work around for the Game Salad APP’s and App’s are now able to share our other App’s with users. (no mention of cracking the problem with serving ads) and he also said that a bunch of new apps are ready for APPLE approval and he expects 100% approval.

MAY Update says APPLE rejected a lot of the App’s that were submitted. And APPLE does not say why so we have to figure it out.. Oh well, so much for any real impact for the new APP’s hitting quarter ending APRIL! Now what for quarter ending JULY. Also he said to watch for Android roll out soon.

June 11 PR announces Android roll out for our new APP’s. “"We have successfully developed an Android version of many of our popular Apple Apps as well and the conversion of our App Marketing Wall, which will allow us to promote our popular Apps from each App that is downloaded. Please note there is still no mention of a fix for the game salad App’s only accepting the APPLE iADS network ads. Will APPLE iADs display in ANDROID, NOT!

We have had Dustin say the Game salad APPs did not work in APPLE for marketing our own APP’s to users after they downloaded one or our APP’s This is an advantage we were used to and helped build our downloads and subsequently ad $$$$. He later stated they had a work around for that. He also stated the Game Salad APPs were not compatible with our AD network only the iADs network which we get less that half the fill rate on and that APPLE went up on the cut they get from AD Revenues. He decided to deploy the APPs in APPLE Market with the fix for marketing our own APP’s and as-is to use the iADs Ad Network until a fix could be found and implemented 60-90 days estimate. Then, a roll out of APP’s to ANDOID market indicating that it has the fix for the APP wall which will allow the marketing of our other Apps.

There is still no mention of a fix for the GAME SALAD APP’s (the majority of our new APP’s) AD Network issue for APPLE or for ANDROID market. So.. 90 % of our $$$ comes from ADS, and on APPLE our new APP’s are only getting a fill rate of 30% where ANDI was getting upto 90% with our AD network. Plus, we have to give more to APPLE now. No fix on ANDROID Market means NO ADS on ADROID, means NO $$$$ from Android Apps unless they are Paid APP.s

We will not see any real impact from Android market in this quarter ending July. Downloads and ranking mean nothing to revenues with NO ADS displaying. The Addition of our new APP’s in the APPLE market will have some impact but $$$ per download will be greatly reduced from what we have seen in the past. Now that Quarter ending July is almost over, if we don’t have a fix by the end of this quarter, The next quarter starts with an impact of reduced $$ per download on APPLE and NO Revenues from ANDROID. NO wonder we started a stock promo. The large purchase of Garden Salad APP’s we made for $2,000 has been costing in delays and revenues for this year.

It's all my opinion and my opinion only. Anything I state does NOT constitute a BUY or SELL in any security.