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Alias Born 12/02/2010

Re: GIVEMEINFO post# 93

Monday, 06/25/2012 5:00:44 PM

Monday, June 25, 2012 5:00:44 PM

Post# of 132
Honestly, this company has a pretty spotty history of dividends from what I can see. It's nice that they are available occasionally, but it's ultimately a move as I understand that is up to the board to decide.

Folks smarter than I can correct me, but essentially the bigwigs at TGS will meet and build the meeting agenda / proposals for the annual shareholders' meeting at some point well prior to the actual meeting. If they don't propose a dividend, then it doesn't get voted on, and there is no dividend. This is what I am basically given to understand on this year's decision.

That said, I would be interested in knowing what we have to do to send a proposal so it can be listed up for vote at the annual SHM. Or something like that. I doubt there are any ways to obligate this company to pay us a dividend - we'll just have to sit tight.

Yes, I own stock in this company, and yes, these are all my opinions.

- Al

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