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Alias Born 06/14/2010

Re: downsideup post# 4854

Monday, 06/18/2012 3:13:35 PM

Monday, June 18, 2012 3:13:35 PM

Post# of 4875
What I was curious about, is it legal for the creditor to make money in the BK proceedings? Platinum said they were owed 20 million. They got 20 million for the mine. But then they received 600K for the lab, 1 million for "extra" equipment that was sold and they recived an undisclosed amount for the civil suit against FG management. Looks like a good profit. Is that legal? For some reason, I thought all you can hope for is the amount owed. Which Platinum already pushed from 12 million to 20 million. Not even sure what the extra 8 million was from.
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