The time arrived to get rid of Sprague family. Their record is so catastrophical that no company in NASDAQ could even remotely compare! First was Peter Sprague with his famous chip project which failed totaly. Then it was Michael Sprague with his infamous Wavexpress causing costs of over $50 millions and almost buncrupting the entire company. Then Steven Sprague, CEO since 13 years. His "performance" could not be better: never one single profitable quarter, hundreds of broken promises and forecasts, cashing an outrageous compensation of almost $ 1 million/year which for a company which never showed a profit is more than outrageous, made Wave a joke of entire IT community, lacks any credibility, has no any track record and is CEO exclusively because of his father and so on and so on. All three Spragues are still on the payroll and are running the company with thir hand-picked and utterly useless board.
Steven Sprague does not give a damn about shareholder value, therefore it is time the owners of this company show all Spragues the door. Perhaps is too late but may be not. I call for dismissal of the board except Gilder and Frankenberg, it is about time for the shareholders to act!