So why are you so focus on not seeing a run. For one thing the thing is running on its own, I am sure her comment on this board did not produce 100ml shares trade last week.
its like life, you can see a glass half empty or half full depends on your state of mind negative or positive.
A company with 4 divisions, revenue growing, I think I will be bullish too. Public companies use stock to pay off debt, raise capital, use it for compensation some say dilution I say using resources other than cash. Either way these things has to be paid for cash or stock.
For development stage companies it usually is stock. The question is if we are getting anything for it. I say yes we are.
Why? Asset grew from $239k to $2ml hello???
Revenue grew from $129k to $612k
Business portfolio went form one business to 4 (EarthSearch, Rogue Paper, WetWinds and StudentConnect).
I think management is making good use of shares issued and cannot be considered dilution. ECDC investors are getting the deal of a life time -
It was in the 2's just 2 weeks ago I don't know what price drop these people are talking about
Need DD info the numbers and info above is good for digestion.