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Alias Born 01/27/2012

Re: TFALL68 post# 84829

Tuesday, 04/03/2012 7:31:41 PM

Tuesday, April 03, 2012 7:31:41 PM

Post# of 116987
Thank you for your wise words, and for the other three posts that you've contributed to this board sir. For S&Gs, what is your basis for the following phrase:

getting a big payday from merger/buyout are slim

FOR THE LONGS!!!!!!!!! Remember David Rifkin's Tweet the other day "A very thin line between success and failure..."

The Four Pillars of Success: Pillar Four

This is the last of a four-part series dealing with the mindset needed to become a business, marketing, and life champion. This mindset I call the Four Pillars of Success.

If you follow and apply these four pillars, you can have pretty much whatever you ask out of life.

Today we look at Pillar No. 4: Persistence

No matter how positive an attitude you have, how hard you work and how good you are at what you do, there will be times when problems arise. In those times when it seems like Murphy’s Law is hitting you smack dab in the face, you need to have an abundance of perseverance.

Never quitting, never giving up, good old perseverance is a character trait that all successful people have. No matter what you consider a success, stick-to-it-iv-ness is essential to achieving your goals.

Thomas Edison was fond of saying that many people quit, give up, when success is right within their grasp. How sad and how true that statement really is. Too many individuals give up at the first sign of trouble.

Obstacles and problems are put in your path for you to learn from and grow in strength. If you quit then you set up in your mind a failure mentality that can drag you down for the rest of your life. A repeated pattern of giving up sets up neuron connections in your brain that will create a quitting response whenever setbacks arise.

This bad habit, like all habits can be broken. What one needs to do is anytime a set back, problem or obstacle arises, look for the benefit and the good that it can teach you.

Resolve to never quit, to keep on going. Work your way around, through or under the obstacle. A repeated pattern of looking for the lessons and finding a solution to any problem creates a new set of neuron connections that will allow you to keep charging ahead until the goal is reached.

Perseverance is a key ingredient in the recipe of success. Make no mistake, problems will arise, obstacles will block your path. This is just a test to set you on the right way and see if you really want what you say you want.

If you hang in there and resist the urge to quit, success is practically assured. Remember the famous words of Winston Churchill, “never, never, never quit.”

How is Your Lemonade?

One of the biggest differences on that thin line between success and failure is the habit of finding the good hidden in the bad. It’s a habit that separates winners from losers.

Taking adversity and turning it into an advantage is an art. On the bright side, it is an art that can be learned. All it takes is practice and consistency.

Life is going to throw you curveballs. That’s just the way it is. It doesn’t matter how much money or power or fame you have. Troubles come and nothing on earth can stop them. The key is to take those troubles and search for the hidden benefit.

There’s an old saying that everyone who studies success philosophy knows, “Every adversity has with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” It’s up to us to dig deep for that greater benefit and use it to propel us on our success journey.

If you want to be a success in life, you must learn to triumph over adversity. Giving up or falling into despair is not the way champions are made. That’s the quitters way. A slow decent into an unfulfilled and uninspired existence.

Problems must be overcome and obstacles smashed if one is to become a true success in life, no matter what your calling is. Overcoming difficult situations builds character and creates and undefeatable will power that in time, will respond to your beck and call.

Adversity allows us to grow if we only train ourselves to look for the great lessons that it teaches. It’s all a matter of changing your focus. Concentrate on finding the benefit instead of obsessing on all the things that are wrong. Do this and problems will be discarded from your life like an old shirt no longer useful.

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” That has been the slogan for many a success in all fields and areas of life.

Thomas J. Watson (IBM), Charles Revson (Revlon), George Eastman (Kodak), Andrew Carnegie (U.S. Steel), Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company) and Larry Ellison (Oracle) were all high school drop-outs. Other business leaders such as Bill Gates (Microsoft), Michael Dell (Dell Computers) and John D. Rockefeller (Standard Oil) didn’t complete college. A lack of education didn’t stop them from becoming titans in the business world.

Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison were both called idiots who would be nothing but failures by their grammar school teachers. How wrong they were. History has proven it. Edison is the greatest inventor of all-time and Einstein it’s greatest scientist.

There are so many examples we could go on all day. Suffice it to say that life will give you what you want provided one has a definite goal, belief in its achievement, takes action and learns to see the hidden good in all obstacles and problems.

How good is your lemonade? It all depends on your own perceptions.

Defeat Resistance with Persistence

Excuse me for the bad alliteration, but it sounded pretty cool and makes an even better point.

Resistance, adversity and troubles will come to us. It’s inevitable, a fact of life. As long as you are breathing in H20 and breathing out CO2, there will be certain times in your existence that just plain suck.

It’s how you deal with those periods of intense suckiness that matter the most. Unfortunately, many choose the method that’s worst of all – ignore the problem and hope it will eventually go away. C’ome on people. You know that doesn’t work. Ignoring a problem always and I do mean always, comes back to bite you.

Still others curl up into a ball and practice with perfection the woe-is-me self-pity that drives family and friends crazy. Others take their problem or God forbid, problems, to said friends and family and pray they deal with it. This one is especially true if it’s a money problem.

In all those examples one thing is common – the problem or the resistance that the individual is facing controls them and not the other way around. The only way to conquer adversity, resistance or a particular problem is to stand up to it, plan a way to overcome it and follow that plan with steel resolve until the desired outcome has transpired.

Adversity shrinks away a coward when a person is endowed with unconquerable persistence. This type of persistent effort mows down all opposition and roots out any obstacle that stands in its way. The good news is it can be developed. Persistence doesn’t discriminate. The wealthy can’t lay claim to it at the expense of everyone else. Genetics play no part. It’s a spiritual principle that’s undeniable and open to the world.

The key to harnessing this power of unwavering persistence is to create a vision. Picture the life you want to have, create a plan to make it happen, take action and live in that mental picture until the desired outcome comes about. Never take your eyes off the goal. Stay focused and don’t get distracted from what you want.

If it’s a particular problem your facing, like lack of funds to pay bills, immediately take your focus off the negative, concentrate on the solution and the life you’ve planned. I know this can be difficult, but the process must be consistently practiced in order to conquer your adversity. Run different scenarios around and see what may or may not work.

When a solution appears, which it will if you practice this technique, take action immediately until the problem is solved. Persistence can be mastered, but you must work at it.

So when you’re faced with a problem or resistance of any kind, take your thoughts off the problem and focus on the solution. Concentrate on the ideal life you’re creating, take action to make it a reality and never, ever give up.

Do this and you not only master the fourth pillar of success – persistence. You’ll master yourself as well.

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” – Calvin Coolidge

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