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Re: FedUpToHere post# 23037

Monday, 03/05/2012 5:56:19 PM

Monday, March 05, 2012 5:56:19 PM

Post# of 223924
Link Works for me

but try to google: the-biggest-penny-stock-controversy-in-years-yowza
it should guide you to the page. If Not, here's the content:
The Most Controversial Penny Stock Innovation In Years (A 3,000 Word Essay)

March 4, 2012 at 11:26 am
by Timothy Sykes

Right up alongside the beauty/independence of being able to make thousands of dollars per day from pretty much anywhere in the world and having students like this trading challenge student make 10x his account size in less than an hour, I take great pride in my talent for innovation.

In late-2002, just after my 21st birthday, after having turned my $12,415 in Bar Mitzvah gift money into over $1 million at that point, I created this unique scholarship for talented people in the Tulane community — not open solely to students — even while I was still a Junior at Tulane University…over the past decade, that award has given away thousands to deserving individuals.

In late-2007, I was the first person to publicly encourage and teach the practice of buying & short selling promoted penny stocks, the EXACT strategy which made me a millionaire at age 22, via my 4 newsletters and instructional DVD packages, for which I took considerable heat HERE (the author has since changed his impression of me as you can see HERE and I am proud to have him as my chatroom moderator and someone who has made hundreds of thousands of dollars now with my strategy) despite threats from too many truly ignorant people who claimed it was illegal to short stocks under $5/share (no it’s not illegal, most brokers just suc and they tell you it’s illegal so you don’t realize how badly they suck…so idiocy is spread until the people email me and I correct this inaccuracy by point them to this great broker for shorting penny stocks)

In mid-2009, my designer Adarsh and I co-created the revolutionary charting website, as covered here by TechCrunch, before being screwed out of it by Howard Lindzon and StockTwits…see my lawsuit HERE as covered by Reuters…detailed blog post coming soon.

In late-2009, I was sick and tired of financial products like my newsletters not having enough public reviews and having a tough time keeping track of the many hundred reviews I was getting, so I created Investimonials, as you can read about our launch as covered by TechCrunch, to help make the industry more transparent…roughly 20,000 reviews later, I’m proud to have played a tremendous role in creating financial transparency.

In early-2010, I also created Profitly because reviews, % gains on Covestor and performance charts like this simply aren’t enough to determine a trader’s usefulness/acumen and now over 13,000+ traders have joined and again we have MORE transparency and honesty….and as you can see by the beautiful widget created by Profitly co-founder Mike Mosseri on the right side of my site and hundreds of other sites, we have found innovative ways to display our trades quickly and efficiently…and our Profitly affiliate program will soon revolutionize the shady affiliate world too…stay tuned.

And there’s a whole lot more innovation coming too, projects I’ve been working on for months…

Because after all, as subscribers of my 4 newsletters know, my trading performance numbers rock as you can see here, which is why I have remained the #1 trader out of 60,000+ on Covestor the past 4 years and in addition to over a dozen instructional DVDs in my online store, I have over 550 video lessons that are now categorized and organized thanks to this guy…so you have NO excuse not to learn every single pattern, subtlety and lesson I teach.

So with all that said, I can never just sit still and despite the $3.5 million my websites pulled in during 2011, I’m always looking to challenge myself with new tasks and cool/revolutionary projects. After all, Profitly is now 13,000+ traders strong with a supreme business model that is hugely scalable and Investimonials keeps chugging along now with roughly 20,000 reviews…

My new challenge/task is infinitely more difficult and important and thus will be to take on the very stock promoters who I’ve exposed and ripped on so many times before…click this blog category and see dozens of articles and several SEC halts/investigations I predicted and exposed.

…by helping change the industry from the inside.

That’s right my goal is now not just to educate everyone on the risks/rewards/predictability of stock promotion, but to continue educating while innovating this incredibly shady industry by making it honest and ethical.

Some don’t think it’s possible without blatantly lying, but I’m out to prove that wrong…as I will focus on education about which patterns are the best to buy and identifying the biggest promotions because they actually can be great buying opportunities if you catch them early enough (as evidenced by the popularity of the awesome PrePromo Alerts newsletter on Profitly)

After all, there’s nothing wrong with companies, especially smallcap and microcap companies, wanting and paying to get exposure, it’s no different from marketing and PR, which are two of the biggest industries in the world…we’re talking trillions of dollars…and advertising is a notoriously ethically challenged world.

The problem with current smallcap and microcap marketing, and why this industry is currently SO small and shady, is that the current “IR (investor relations)” and PR firms only focus on creating longterm shareholders who gullibly believe in the company’s “story” by luring them in with lies, hyperbolic comparisons and projections like these morons who spent $500,000 comparing the promoted penny stock Crowdgather to internet giants like Google and Yahoo….or these idiots who tried to use an invisible disclaimer to hide they were getting paid to promote Mesa Energy (MSEH)…just before MSEH put out an SEC filing telling people not to listen to my expose and to focus on their and other press coverage…just before an SEC investigation into MSEH’s massive insider selling :)

The IR and PR firms try to use their lawyers (and fail) when I have posted the truth about their promotions as I’ve gotten cease & desist letters from celebrities like Shaq and Justin Bieber, who both received millions of shares of stock of promoted penny stocks, telling me to remove THIS post and THIS post, respectively…cease and desist letters I publicly replied to HERE and HERE, respectively before both of these celebrity promotions collapsed 95%+…neither celebrity apologized to me and to this day I get weekly emails from people who have been crushed by investing in these stocks.

And of course I’ve been “sued” (although I never got served) by the biggest penny stock promotion of all time SpongeTech, just days before their entire management team was arrested for fraud, perjury, etc….no apology was ever given.

These are just a few of my run ins with promoters and their promotions and I literally have several dozen more…I list 77 alone in this video…and no, those aren’t real “dislikes” on ANY of my Youtube videos…promoters hired Indians, as the analytics prove, to click “dislike” on several of my most popular videos — all within a few days — to discredit me so my student base wouldn’t grow and realize how to short sell these promotions.

Long story short, I have the single most impressive resume of anyone in the world with regards to exposing and educating traders and investors on how to profit by short selling promoted penny stocks as despite my strategy being right, real and teachable, IR and PR firms have proven they will do anything to hide the truth and wisdom I espouse.

So it’s a “huge” controversy when I innovate this space with a truly honest and non-hyperbolic blog post, preceded by several educational videos explaining how promotion works and can truly spike a stock, like this regarding the upcoming promotion on IRYS which contains passages like:

Volume is picking up quickly on iTrackrSystems (IRYS) in the first day of a week-long stock promotion.

The IR company has sent me receipts showing 800,000 direct mail pieces promoting IRYS are scheduled for release next week, and a $300,000 email marketing campaign has begun just today.

One promoter jumped the gun in mailing out yesterday, so the stock is already enjoying record volume.

I was going to send out this alert Friday, but because of the quick movement in volume, I felt it important to give you this alert NOW!

All 100% true…and SPECIFICALLY NOT AIMED at longterm investors, but traders who actually should be watching this stock during it’s upcoming promotion. Volume was a record-breaking 3 million shares the day we sent that out, the main part of the promotion is scheduled to begin next week and one of the promoters did release his pick early which forced us to release our report too.

And yes as we also state:

My publisher and I were paid $100,000 to announce this trade alert. I only did it because I’d get to be among the first to release the pick, giving you the best opportunity possible.

My cut of the $100k was $50k, and as you’ll see with a new website I’ll soon be unveiling, I’ll be giving much of this PR money away…as I’ve been planning this honest, transparent and revolutionary business model for many months.

And remember my businesses really did pull in $3.5 million in 2011 and roughly $1 million in 2 months of 2012 so I need $50k like Reaper needs hair-plugs (he doesn’t his hair is perfect)…actually I INSISTED on being compensated to help prove there really was a large promotion campaign coming up and the higher the dollar amount I got, the more likely this promotion is for real (similar to how book publishers only push books which they have given out large advances to the authors…the large upfront payout makes them invested in the project…which is why I walked away from Wiley’s $35k advance offer for my book…I needed $100k to have confidence in them…which was the right decision given me $200k+ in earnings on the book the past few years…and it keeps going steadily just like promotions with $5,000-$25,000 budgets rarely are worth trading)

And no I don’t just short sell promoted penny stocks, I made my first million buying promoted penny stocks on their breakouts and have bought promoted stocks like TKDN and TBBC in the past thinking they were heading higher, both of which tanked within a few days after my technical breakout buys failed since the promoters just wanted to screw me and my subscribers since we have screwed them so many times before….several of my promoted buy picks have also worked very well like my buy on LEXG just under $1.40 before it zoomed to $10+ a few weeks later and Profitly users have made an astounding $300,000+ on this stock…the vast majority on the long side given how few shares were available to short.

I bought LEXG at $1.40 specifically due to its $3 million promotional budget (as tipped off by a wonderful alert from PrePromo Alerts) and the likelihood of rising prices…and I sold FAR too early, never expecting the stock to surge all the way to $10+/share in just a few weeks (that’s the power of a large promotional campaign)

Well, now my goal is to deliver similarly solid picks early in the biggest promotions. The promoters can still screw me, but given that my ideas on honest and ethical promotion could literally make this a billion dollar industry, I had a feeling they’d give it a chance…and so far IRYS is up nicely over a few days, my students have profited several thousand dollars on IRYS (Reaper, who is against my plans, himself made nearly $1,000)…so we’ll see if the mailing comes through this coming week, I’m compensated and biased, but I’d say the odds are good.

I will not be trading IRYS or any other company where I have been compensated to give the company exposure, I don’t want to blur that line at all…the good news is that since these are classic promotions, they’ll follow the same EXACT pattern I’ve been trading, teaching and writing about for years so if you actually bother to study my educational materials, you will know how to trade it without any actual trade alerts from me (ah the beauty of having worked so hard on SO many study guides that you can use every single day and trade EXACTLY like me.)

And I’ll continue trading and alerting all other stocks where I receive no compensation just the same as I’ve always done; shorting most of the time (usually not finding shares to short though), buying sometimes, adapting to price action in pursuit of profits the same as always.

So you’re welcome in advance and shame on those who thought I’d been “corrupted”…2 separate SEC lawyers approved my email on IRYS and it is 100% legal, honest and ethical.

I wonder if some of you jackals even realize that I am THE GUY who popularized short selling penny stocks, showed you the best brokers with which to short sell, and taught too many of you EXACTLY how to profit on both the long and short sides of these promotions… without me, the vast majority of my readers would just continue losing money like in the past, being suckered in without any knowledge whatsoever…which still goes on, but I’m proud to say I’ve put a solid dent in the numbers.

Sure, sure, a few people also knew how to profit, but they kept it to themselves and to this day they give me shit too for making my strategy too popular! (newsflash Einstein, shares were always hard to borrow, that’s why I went into teaching and not running a billion dollar hedge fund and that’s why I’m so much more excited to announce solid buy picks rather than shorts)

So all you ingrates, guess what, show some respect for someone who has helped you learn and earn SO much over the years and have a little faith that I haven’t gone crazy or needed $50k that badly…my plan might be bold and over many of your little heads, but just watch and sit back in awe from your cubicles as I single-handedly change this industry into the great transparent marketplace it should be, or at least put a major dent in it just as I have with my teaching, once we take away the confusion, lying and dishonesty.

Sure, sure there will still be corrupt and dishonest PR and IR firms, but I have a feeling their effectiveness will soon pale in comparison to my honest PR, little different from how SoHo in NYC thrived only when much of the criminal element were removed…there’s still a little crime, but its been reduced incredibly in the past few decades so that very little of the old remains.

Oh yes, I have a longterm vision too here, this isn’t about my alerting just one good pick, it’s an entire new way of thinking….no promoter has ever simply taught honestly ie promoting the promotion only and not lying about a promoted company’s prospects.

Now, thanks in large part to my, Reaper‘s, Nate’s and PrePromo Alerts‘ success, there is a large contingency of traders who are on the lookout for new large promotions that greatly benefit under-exposed companies.

In my early DVDs, yes, I said I would never take compensation with any picks, but I didn’t realize the opportunity in strictly telling the truth and the NEED for my taking compensation on these kinds of picks (to verify that there actually is a large promotion instead of just guessing or arriving too late)…yup, I was wrong…then again, in my best-selling book “An American Hedge Fund”, I also said a trader should never disclose their strategy or else it’ll stop working.

Well, 4+ years and 5,000+ blog posts later, my strategy works fine and the patterns remain the same…yes I have been wrong in the past and I will be too in the future, but I won’t stop evolving and adapting to what I believe is right.

This is America and the sad thing is that all the IR/PR firms in the past have done things so dishonestly, we’ve never really seen what’s possible with penny stocks if anyone actually brings honest exposure into the equation.

Thanks to my bold plan, we’re about to find out.

Now I can educate people all day long about how to buy breakouts in promoted stocks and then look for and then then actually short when the promotions are at an end, but less than 30% of my PennyStocking Silver subscribers even bother watching my 550+ video lessons. Less than 20% have ever bothered to watch my instructional DVDs…they don’t want to learn, they want “hot picks”…disgusting.

Only my trading challenge students truly want to learn and despite us receiving thousands of applications, we only accept a small number as I have no time to waste on people who only want “hot picks” as opposed to actual education to which I have dedicated my life.

And now even when I give “hot picks” like IRYS, you’re gonna get honest and promoted stock education included (ie You should be watching IRYS because if the large promotion does come through next week, it’s gonna be VERY fun to watch)

Yes, it’s been many months since I made this bold decision to innovate the business of smallcap and microcap company marketing…by simply telling the truth and being useful to both companies that want exposure and traders who want to be alerted to these superior trade setups.

As I said in this video, “honesty is sadly a revolutionary concept on Wall Street” and I meant it.

I’m excited to put my theories into practice and forgive early doubters who simply underestimate my ambition, determination and ethics.

To those who believe in me, thank you, I’m about to prove you right in some big and interesting ways in the coming years.


Posted in Adapting, Blogging, Evolution, Scandals, Stock Promoters

Tags: Adapting, Blogging, Evolution, Scandals, Stock Promoters
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