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Alias Born 04/19/2011

Re: dking1964 post# 645

Friday, 02/10/2012 8:43:24 AM

Friday, February 10, 2012 8:43:24 AM

Post# of 911
dking, just let them go hog wild over there and bash to their hearts content. I know I'm pretty much done there--my last post got deleted, and it was a well reasoned post that didn't attack anyone. That board reminds me of an elementary school, lol!

Anyone can see the vitrolic posts on that board for what they are, and that is what keeps many away. Let them play in their sandbox of poop. After awhile they will get tired of it if there is no one for them to throw that poop at. Like the old saying goes: "you don't need to explain yourself--your enemies won't believe it, and your friends don't need it!"

Live life and enjoy it, and don't let them get into your head!

I think we will be the ones smiling at the end of the year.

BTW--might want to check out TSEM....looks like it might be getting ready to pop a bit, imo! I took a position a couple of days ago--up .03 right now....nice and steady so far. Nice news yesterday. Do your dd though, don't just take my word for it.

glty, and all here!

Never argue with an idiot--they'll just drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience!

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