It does take time for legal work to be completed, and the time frame lapse in between an announcement and the final PR will take time. Remember, Tivus is trying to estimate a 12-18 month build out for other hotels and they are doing this with limited staff and involving multiple contractors reporting on their capabilities to handle subs. That takes time.
Unfortunately, we are sitting in the middle of financial movement that appears to be manipulative and destructive at all levels. To this, the company has said and done nothing. I have seen video games that move more slowly than this financial situation. I think we are in a real difficult situation financially, and honestly, I don't think Tivus knows what to do. They say nothing about the finances and keep referring to attorney's. A RS is probably not the best answer, and if the converts are as bad as they seem, they probably need to raise the AS to "unlimited" and just run the white flag of surrender up the flag pole financially. After all, I still believe that the biggest issue is not the 504's or the warrants, or discounts, but the REVENUE. We will all be a lot poorer because of their financial ineptitude, but we will still make money when the income rolls in. Tivus, be an ORCA. R3