Did you send the details and a copy of your [PRRM] fill order in a complaint to NASD and the SEC? If not, I recommend you do so.
Pink Sheet stocks trade via Pink Link or telephone. When a trade is done via Pink Link, it is reported to ACT automatically. This system is pretty reliable. However, if the trade is done via telephone, the reporting to ACT is a separate step. When things get busy, this step is often overlooked, especially because the trades also have to be recorded manually in a log just to keep straight the firm's overall position vs. its couterparties--a far more important procedure.
I don't know anything about PRRM, but I don't think (I could be wrong on this) that it even trades on Pink Link at all.
In any event, the SEC and NASD would have no interest in a telephoned Pink Sheet trade not making it to the tape. It happens every day. Of course, a NASDAQ trade not making it to the tape during regular market hours would be a whole other matter.
That's one of the virtues of trading on a higher exchange--everything works a lot more professionally.