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Re: steved_45 post# 19807

Thursday, 05/05/2011 4:12:32 PM

Thursday, May 05, 2011 4:12:32 PM

Post# of 98518
I drive by the dealership daily. I am the owner of the crawler that is pushing down trees in the video that on the website. I own 9 of the Tytan implements that Mark has brought in from China. I go in and look at what Mark has that is new once a week or so. I brought stock in this company because I truely believe that the value for the money in the equipment that Mark is selling is amazing. I feel qualified to say that as I was a heavy equipment mechanic for 35 years. I brought my equipment from Mark before he sold stock and being able to invest in his company has been a bonus that I strongly believe will payoff in the end.