IGSM - Fair value calculation
IGSM is a company with a super thin float and no dilution. With an uplisting news/filling of a 10Q and an announcement of finishing www.earthstream.tv this stock has the potential to go to the moon.
A diamant of the company is the coming revolutionary streaming and webinar portal www.earthstream.tv.
I would say its the coming gold horse of the company. Over a year in preparation. It was a second online and the site was such a great play!
Let me say IGSM generates only a conservative revenue of 2 Mio. $
Then the fair value PPS would be:
[2 Mio. $ / Outstanding shares (485,101,266 --- Verified Oct 26, 2010)]*10 = Fair Vallue PPS of 0,041 $ that means, it is a twentybagger up from these levels!
Hope you take the opportunity!
Your Trader111