The gold committed to creditors is 9000 oz for the next year, if a similar arrangement is made for 35 million dollars another 6000 oz would be required or 15000 oz total.
Production 84000 7000x12
payment - 15000
Gold avail 69000
Value 89,700,000 69000x1300
Cost 54,600,000 84000x650
Gross Mgn 35,100,000
Oper Exp 20,000,000
Net Income 15,100,000
Per Sh 12 cents
Gold payments ramp up the second year so unless prod goes up not alot of potential unless gold prices continue up or prod goes over 10000 oz per mth
Position Long - Looking at yahoo finance financials are terrible which may explain lack of interest. New balance sheet with no debt and positive eps would help. Comments?