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Re: mr_sano post# 29416

Friday, 10/15/2010 6:11:10 PM

Friday, October 15, 2010 6:11:10 PM

Post# of 59550
mr sano,

i suffered through months of blather from know-it-alls on both sides of this thing, all sorts of laughable date predictions, rationalizations of why this and that happened, foam at the mouth idiocy from our nimrod former moderator/censor, and general bs from the multitude of ignorant cretins who inhabit this board and wasn't tempted to write in once. (i swore off this place months ago.)

that is until your last few posts. man, i was into your comments until a few posts ago. though i don't usually agree with what you say, i think you've raised some interesting points over the past year or so. i also think you got bashed a lot unnecessarily.

so is there any way you could please, please, please assure me that you have not joined the conspiracy theorist wing of the anti debate? is it possible for once that this company actually sought venture capital, made/accepted a deal, and that's it? do you all realize that investment is actually the best thing in addition to owner equity - and greatly preferable to debt. i for one am happy that they are finacing this way instead of doing another loan from dean to the company. is it possible that the relative stablilty of the shareprice in this range reflects the actual market value?

yes, yes.. the rabid conspiratorialists will say that poor dean threw all of us little ignorant shareholders under the bus by discounting the shares by 20-30%. really? it's a damn miracle those companies didn't buy heavy and demand seats on the BOD.

since i'm on a roll here let me give my take on some of the other conspiracy theories out there....

another poster (who happened to make some nice change on this stock - by his own admission) predicted a massive, catastrophic sell off over the past day or two. huh? where? of course, the answer is that it hasn't happened. to this, the conspiracy theorists retort, "oh but it will. the conspiracy is much deeper than we thought." sano, your own post suggests that it's actually a slow bleed of shares, apparently orchestrated by two VC companies who are foaming at the mouths to make a whopping 2 or 3 hundred grand. you lost me there sano. really. but but but the warrants, you say.... the WARRANTS!!!! you know what? if this company uses this money to stay afloat long enough for something to actually happen, i don't give a skunk's bucket if the VCs exercise their warrants and make it to the forbes billionaire list.

i've heard this same flat earth society rhetoric for months and months and months. honestly, you guys should gang up and make your own ihub teabag party chapter. when the preferred shares were liberated, the whole thing was supposed to sink to the depths of hell, remember? didn't happen. likewise, dean has been endlessly scheming to dilute this to oblivion by authorizing more shares right? ooops, except that the shareholder meeting gets postponed over and over again. and as another rabid poster (who happens to be on the pro- side) has repeatedly pointed out, the o/s currently doesn't match the authorized. why not? what's the hold up? let's get this gang-b*ng underway already?! no one ever answers that. oh sorry, the conspiracists say it's because the sec is standing on deano's neck keeping him from further screwing us. because the sec has nothing better to do than to watch over a 12 person company night and day. bravo, sec! now if they had just done that with the investment banks...

likewise, no one ever addresses the well reported mess ups at the fda which happen to coincide with this submission. hmmm...maybe the conspiracy IS deeper than i thought. heh heh.

umm what else? there's the show us your prototype conspiracy. because see that's what all development stage companies do, they just go put up web sites and show off their development stage products. maybe they drive 'em around the block with the ice cream music on so all the kiddies can see the prototype too. let me use an analogy here from my own field... anyone care to guess how many potentially life saving compounds the major pharmaceutical companies have unpublished data on? hundreds...if not thousands at any one time. economics simply don't allow them to pursue even PUBLISHING THEIR DATA let alone advance most of these drug candidates forward.

medicine, pharmaceuticals, medical devices...these are not open architecture cultures. people don't just share because a few nimrods on a bulletin board say so.

related to this theory is the, "he should never have done a 510k for this". really? how many of you have done a 510k? or a pma? or even published an article in a real journal? or frankly have any education better than a bachelor's from podunk state? (i can raise my hand on the last two.) the fact is that like it or not, breakaway did a 510k with the o-arm. for each aspect of this item's performance, there is a reasonable claim to be made for identifying a predicate device to compare to. i myself commented on this board ages ago that perhaps a pma would have been better. i did that more so because i want to see what kind of havoc my colleagues may be capable of with this thing in their hands.

anything else? let's see, there's a whole gaggle of morons who keep repeating, "but dean said this and dean said that." you know what dean said? he said whatever it took to keep his company afloat and he managed to do that. you know what that's called? business. if you really feel he's defrauded you, do something about it. whatever you do, for pete's sake, stop hashing out the message board equivalent of the walk of shame again and again. you're embarassing yourselves.

in the end, that's basically what i hear when i hear the conspiracists go off. it's is a bunch of babies who either got in too late, sold too early, invested way too much or found some other way to get their feelings hurt. perhaps some of them were too caught up in the church of dean and got hurt that way. i suspect many, if not all of them were too busy writing their own rags to riches stories to do any DD, figure out there own risk tolerance, or do any critical thinking about this company at all.

so because i've subjected you to a tome, i'll help you guys out.


got it? now my blood pressure's i will re-lurk asap.