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Alias Born 02/18/2010

Re: None

Wednesday, 10/06/2010 12:39:00 PM

Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:39:00 PM

Post# of 39172
IHGPD - Low Float! 3 joints ventures, the patent on the electric motor!! I own millions of shares (now thousands ). My point is, I find it is better to be positive. I do not work for Interact Holdings Group, Inc. The CEO stated there will be news soon.

company email just now!!Date: Fri, Sep 17, 2010 11:30 am
From: Interact Holdings Group Inc. <> To:

Date: Fri, Sep 17, 2010 11:30 am

No new shares have been issued since the reverse-split took affect. The Company
should be providing an update via PR or the President's Corner in the near
future. The Company is trying to finalize a few things before it puts out any

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IHGPD - Company email! September 30th

Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 12:11:11 -0400
Subject: IHGP Update

To All Shareholders:

The Company is still in business and moving forward. We look forward to releasing news in the near future concerning an upcoming acquisition which has the potential to be huge for the Company. The Company is still focused on the areas in which it has stated before on its website and in press releases.

We appreciate all of the emails and phone calls and look forward to being able to share this information in the near future.

The Company also has not issued any new shares since the reverse-split was completed.

Best Regards,

Interact Holdings Group Inc.

With such a low float, IHGPD will move on air! We need to just spread the word about ALL the positive things that IHGPD has going for it! With new interest IHGPD will start to move up before the news from the CEO. When the news comes out, IHGPD will fly! We are looking at $$$ per share! wink

"...If this helps, the last time that I spoke IHGP by phone (over three months ago) I was told that there is a method to the RS madness and the shareholders would see in the future. Somehow it is going to bring value to all concerned." teekay

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