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Re: mytigger post# 60592

Thursday, 09/23/2010 8:43:38 PM

Thursday, September 23, 2010 8:43:38 PM

Post# of 111214
Send the W9, certified, priority mail, with delivery confirmation, for those that may be concerned about ID security (and everyone should always be concerned). You may want to call and ask what they will do with it after they get it, and if it will be secure, and how they plan to do that, etc. I do not believe that W9's are sent any where, but rather held. Find out if they will certifiably destroyed them at some point too.

Also, do not get LifeLock. I had it and got nailed by ID thieving scum and they got me good. I am still working on straightening it out. LifeLock did not work. The million dollar guarantee only covers remediation expense for investigations, lawyers if needed, etc. there is no cash to the victim for it. Google the owner of Lifelock and see where he has had identity stolen like a dozen times successfully.

I guarantee you, identity theft is a freakin nightmare. Know one would want to go through it.