Treff totally screwed up and almost started a riot!
IF that wasn't bad enough, imagine what PalTalk is like today with no news about the ER. lol
You can hear the chipmunks in his head running as he's trying to think of a way to retract the statement!
Hilarious! Time for squid to have another hamster brain transplant.
very_tired15: I am personally sorry for first delivering info that there is no need to refile.. and changing it.. I do not think I was used, but I believe the change is a genuine and well-thought out one
By: ibaft2006 Feb 2007 : LEO WANTA is truly a hero..
A man of uncomparable character and resolve. He is one of God's truly blessed men
By: ibaft2006 Mar 2007 Bush crime family is hard at work protecting their criminal cronies.