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Alias Born 08/12/2010

Re: canadianmoose post# 3105

Friday, 08/13/2010 8:11:56 AM

Friday, August 13, 2010 8:11:56 AM

Post# of 44646
I agree totally cannadianmoose and I believe the rules being defined by the fed reflect their belief in your observation. The patient has to be the ultimate keeper and focus point of the information. The one constant in an ever changing environment consisting of multiple hostpitals, testing clinics, and doctors.

This explains why in the Feds guidelines for electronic medical records requires the ability for PHR and EMR records to sync. These guidelines must be met and are phased in over the next few years. For providers that do not comply, they will be penalized with reduced medicare payments. Folks, this is going to happen. The very requirement displays the value and necessity of the electronic record. Who is one of the leaders so far in this space??? Connectyx.

One other clarification I would like to ask the board. I believe the electronic health record initiative is seperate from Obama Care. I believe this because the initial rules were being defined in July of 2009 well before Obama Care came into law. I believe they are two seperate entities. Just think its a good idea to keep them seperate.

What a ground floor opportunity and what a shareprice to get in. Unbelievable.

Another stock that showed promise and settled in the low trip 000 a few months ago and seemed like it wasn't going anywhere was GOIG and see where it went. I honestly believe CTYX could be another GOIG only with much much more long term potential.