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Alias Born 03/02/2010

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Thursday, 08/12/2010 12:07:47 AM

Thursday, August 12, 2010 12:07:47 AM

Post# of 4994841
AVLS DD could be true FLD play 3M Float

Take a look at $AVLS could go huge, the just got current, wish to uplist, own lots of property interest is growing, MM's 3 days in row paint it down at the close on super small amounts.

Float 3M looks like it could be a FLD play, with news could go.

They also released news of having audited financials and moving to the OTCBB.

The filed a serious of financial posting to pink sheets to become current in one of the this is what they state about the shares:

Item VI The number of shares or total amount of the securities outstanding for each
class of securities authorized.
1. Common: Provided below is information below for each class of securities authorized
(i) as of the end of the issuer
’s most recent fiscal quarter and (ii) as of the end of the

’s last two fiscal years. (See footnotes following same.)

1. Period end date:
March 31, 2010

2. Number of shares authorized: 100000000
3. Number of shares outstanding: 3069648
4. Freely tradable shares (public float): 3069648
5. Total number of beneficial shareholders: 159
6. Total number of shareholders of record: 159

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