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Re: pinksheetnewbie post# 7501

Saturday, 07/03/2010 2:35:35 PM

Saturday, July 03, 2010 2:35:35 PM

Post# of 82990
I am reading through some older posts here, and this one struck me as terribly funny. I am an anti AMA guy, and my brother is a retired MD. I am a pro herbalist, healthy food.......guy, that eats lots raw veggies, takes lots of vitamins, and stays away from junk food as much as possible, including sugar and soft drinks......anyway, reading this older post

Struck me as funny that people still think AMA doctors and the billion dollar drugs they pump are SAFE, just because the drug companies spent zillions of dollars testing them, FDA approved them and then an AMA doctor with a real medical license prescribed them.

If people just avoided real doctors, and ate just fresh food the medical industry in the USA would collapse!!!!

That said, I have read the patent application. Once again I would like to say that I am impressed it even exists. This one out of hundreds (or thousands) of companies I have looked at over the years claiming to have patent pending status, and is the first one that I was actually able to obtain the application, thanks dda!

While the application is real, and seems to still be trying to get some of the original claims allowed, if I was the inventor or if was IFUS management I would fire the idiot that wrote the first application. Very poorly done, poor grammar, poor english, mistakes in it, but I have seen some $300/hr patent attorneys produce some REAL patent app JUNK before, so maybe I should not be so critical. The more mistakes they make, the more work they generate for themselves at $300/hr, that $5/min folks!.

Good news is, I guess the patent applicant seems to still be fighting the US patent office over final claims wording, and over what parts will be allowed, and seems to still be alive, as the copy dda got me has the revised claims from the original which was filled May 7, 2008, and updated on Oct 2, 2008.

Unfortunately, in the Oct 8, 2008 copy dda sent me, the current initial claim (old claim 12) has an error in its english, 2 in fact in the first two lines. I hope they have found and corrected them by now?

"Where a decline in" should read "where an increase in" on the first line of claim 12 (now claim one), and on line two "have been brought about" makes no sense, some words must be missing there????

Unfortunately, I have not had time yet to do the deep level internet search and patent office search I plan to do on this myself, but I did finally finish reading and noting things in the copy dde got for me (he posted a link here IIRC). Nor have I heard anything from brother (MD) good or bad on this, yet. Guess I need to nudge him.

One final note the original application was a provisional filed back in 2005! Then in 2006, Nov 6th, a US divisional app was filled, but it looks like it was abandoned Oct 16, 2008?

I don't know if that link will work, you might need to type in 11/560374 as the patent application number to get to the status page.

BUT! The current application is dated Oct 2, 2008, number 20080241273, and I can not find the status on it (correction read further down, just found it), nothing comes up on the status search engine. It looks like the original was abandoned and replaced 14 days before it was abandoned (not unusual so don't read too much into it).

Here is a link to the earlier application that was abandoned:

Here is the 2 page USPTO letter and final action on the original application:

Like I said, the Oct 2, 2008 application seems to have been a new application, that abandoned the prior work going back to 2005 (again this is not unusual, so don't read too much into it).

I have not yet read the older apps, but they might reveal the first 12 abandoned claims in the newest app, and other details.

BUT WAIT!!! I just found the Oct 2, 2008 new application status (USPTO search engine was being anal!!!)

Filing date was May 7, 2008, pub date was Oct 2, 2008!!!

The new app number is: 12/116,319 and it takes a 2005 priority date all the way back to the original app.

I see a note that this application still claims priority date status back 2005. USPTO aslo shows current status as pending examination by a USPTO patent examiner (these guys at the USPTO are WAY behind, (ask me how I know) so 2 years sitting on a desk at the USPTO examiners office is nothing new).

So conclusion, they still have a valid patent application at the USPTO waiting for its turn to come up, for examination.

If you get board and want to read about the original abandoned app see these:

If this next link works, it is a link to all the printable documents on the early history of the 05-08 patent application(s).

But you may need to log in first, then enter the!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3h3cz9XEzcPIwMLvyALA08jF39LE2cjQwMLU6B8JG55dxNKdBuYEtAdDnItftvxyYPMB8kb4ACOBvp-Hvm5qfqR-lHmCFPcff3dgKa4ebh5BxgZG7gb6UfmpKYnJlfqF-SGRhhkBmQEOioqAgBVda8T/dl3/d3/L0lJSklna21DU1EhIS9JRGpBQU15QUJFUkNKRXFnLzRGR2dzbzBWdnphOUlBOW9JQSEhLzdfRzdORTRGSDIwR01PRjBJMkZIRktQMjMwRzIvOGxneU44NzEwMDAzMi9zYS5nZXRCaWI!/

This is where you log in and enter 11/560,374

then select "image file wrapper" to get the list of downloadable pdfs!!!

God I love the internet!!!!!! Could not do this online for free 10 years ago!!!

Anyway, there seems to be some real, long term effort at some patent protection here folks!!!!! That part is not a scam. I am not saying they will win a patent, or that if they do, it will be worth anything (another topic for another day), but there is a 5 year history of pursuing one for sure!!!!

When I get time to dig deeper I will post what I found, good or bad!

I am still long, and have an order in at .005 for more shares.

Let's keep in mind that although their sales and revenue is still pathetic, and they seem to be diluting shares to keep the doors open, they do have real reported sales, a web site, signs of some distributor activity online, some real advertising efforts, and a pending patent application, and they have some sort of property I keep hearing about, real land property. So this does not appear to me to be a total scam.

Jury is still out as to whether they will make it successful or eve survive so don't sell the house to invest here!!!! But I am taking some small risks on this one, simply because it could move up a good bit if some solid sales ever take hold (and I don't mean selling shares either!!!!! LOL, I mean the Intact products!!)
