amsterdam This is why the accting firm picked us!
Couple of things:
first, the recently purchased patents are all about storage and recordkeeping.
one of the patents talks about 'electronic records' pervasively.
second, Thibadeau has been the keynote speaker at a number of recent
conferences and his subject has centered on the new legalities of our digital
system(s) and the need for audit capacity etc etc etc. One of the key
features of Wave's ERAS is its audit characteristics. It is unique and I believe
that this is one of the key reasons (if not the KEY reason) why the intl accting
firm picked us despite having the Lenovo hardware to deal with.
third, It seems to me that Wave is moving ahead as a leader in valued added
services within the 'authentication space'. After authentication, then what?
It's fine to be the authentication gatekeeper and one can make a fine business
on this alone, but it would be HUGE to follow up and provide value added services
after authentication. An area would be legal/accounting value added services, such
as audit and forensic accounting services.
Just rambling thoughts on my part but I think that Wave has a well thought out
strategy to pursue the above in a very methodical and fast moving manner.