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Re: rrrrr post# 16503

Saturday, 02/20/2010 10:20:01 PM

Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:20:01 PM

Post# of 18603
I concur that there is a difference in the enthusiasm. However, I have only been emailing and have not called anymore since the last time that I posted that I called. If you look over the phone conversations, if I recall correctly, there was definitely some differences from then until now.

I also think he is much more excited about these latest two PRs than most are here.

He also has told me when talking on the phone to not bet the farm on it. This is not the first time he has said that with that email to Mikey.

As usual:
This post is merely my own personal opinion and stated with a total bias to how I see things and the understanding that I think that I am right.

Striving through this huge forest of stocks to get to the right one at the right time.