Ha Ha, and the acid among other things, ha ha.... Its more of a marketing thing for various mm businesses.. But the amount of new patients per week is in the thousands, and growing!! This whole, legal for medical reasons is such a freaking copout... The vast majority of card holders have no medical need for weed, they simply use it recreationaly and now can do it legally.. I say if they are going to do this, they might aswell just legalize it.. Anyone and their mother can get a card, no medical records needed... If your under 18 then all you need is a parent or legal guardians john hancock and youre good to go.. Alot of people that dont really even smoke it have obtained cards due to the ability to access edibles... Its just like amsterdam, but on our home turf.. On top of that if you get a severe patient license aka a edibles license, you can posses up to 1lb and grow 50 plants legally.. It would be impossible to consume 1lb and 50 plants will yield up to 50lbs-- dispensarys will sell lbs for 4200 minimum!! so legally you could be grow 210k worth of plants.. Thats with just one patient, most of the dispensarys, atleast the succesful ones have over 1000 patients.. You do the math, the grow side has an endless amount of money to be made!! The amount of dispensarys is almost double the amount of starbucks in colorado!