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Re: holistic4 post# 6924

Saturday, 01/23/2010 8:00:27 PM

Saturday, January 23, 2010 8:00:27 PM

Post# of 16707
lol- not even close. that has one application, cleaning inside of your car where it is hard to reach with your hand, squeegee or cloth.

"windshield wonder" has a single application, where it doesn't go, use the ultimate squeegee- it goes everywhere else.

If anything it put things into perspective. The ultimate squeegee is actually a solid product.

It's not going to feed your dog, or cure your aching bones- but what it will do: is save you have the time and effort when you do decide to clean your windows.

If enough people think that is worth $20.00, then we have a good product on our hands.