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Alias Born 11/10/2004

Re: None

Wednesday, 11/10/2004 3:20:19 PM

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 3:20:19 PM

Post# of 5509
I found this board this morning after trying to find out what is going on with BHFS. I am one of the investors who lost their butt. I bought 1500 shares at $1.00 per share during a pump up earlier in the year. I am new to the stock market and I know I was stupid. Not only that, but I am not a day trader so I don't hunch over my stocks all day long biting my nails. I went on vacation and when I got back I checked my stocks to find that BHFS went through a 100:1 stock split and my stock was now called BVHJ. When I looked at my account to check it, sure enough, I only had 15 stocks instead of 1500. On top of that, it was my understanding that when you go through a stock split, you are supposed to end up with the same amount of money- even if it just a short period of time. After much investigation, it looks like I was supposed to get 15 shares of stock worth about $35.00 because at the time they did the split, the BHFS stock went down to about .35 cents per share. But to my dismay, I never got the stock worth $35.00 per share. I got 15 shares of stock worth .25 cents. Therefore, I saw my $1500.00 "investment" evaporate to a whopping total of $3.75. I called my broker and nobody would help me or explain anything. He just said "well, thats the chance you take buying this stock!" And that the stock must have went from $35.00 per share down to .25 cents in one minute. I just didn't see it and it is all my fault because I am stupid.
Thanks a lot!! Once again our professional elite lets us stupid people down the river. I know that I am not the only one out here who lost their butt on this. $1500 dollars is not the end of the world, I know. But I would think that there are others who lost a lot more than I did. I can't believe nobody has filed a complaint with the SEC yet.
It would cost me more to sell it than to keep it because of the commission. So I still have it in my portfolio now worth .60 cents. It is just sitting there like a big joke that is not so funny to remind me to be much more careful about investing. I had to learn my lesson the hard way and I feel like a total fool. Even now I am trying to figure out how a company who is not going broke, not in bankruptcy, is supposedly thriving and producing product, paying their bills, hiring movie stars and such, how in the world can the stock only be .04 cents per share no matter if there are legal problems or not??????!!!!!!!!
And all this finger pointing is a bunch of BULL! They are all blaming each other, each saying that they have the investor in their best interest, each making such crazy accusations about the other... If you want to know what I think, it is that they are all a bunch of crooks and they are all just blowing smoke up our butts!!! It just doesn't make any sense at all! Where is the money and why isn't it being reported? Obviously there are assets! Why isn't it being reported properly and why isn't the stock reflecting it? I have other questions too. Like if BHFS, if you are BJ Davis, why don't you answer peoples questions directly. I seems like you are ridiculing people who are asking you questions and making comments trying to sort this out, but you never really give a clear answer or explanation. Why did you do the 100:1 split? How did the stock tank in a matter of minutes after the split not giving anyone a chance to look at their stock? Why did you allow these people to take your company and kick you out? If it's only a matter of these crooks forging your name to corporate documents, why don't you just walk in the office and kick their butts and rip up the forged documents? I know of some pretty pissed off investors who would love to go along with you if what you are saying is true. Why don't you just go in there and grab Kimberley Kates by the hair and throw her butt out the door? If you leave it up to the legal system, you are just going to waste your money and your time and get screwed in the end. I know this by personal experience. I am also a victim of corporate fraud and betrayal by my own employees. I went to court and went the distance and believe me, the lawyers and judges went completely ass backwards on me. It was amazing to me to find out that just because you are right, doesn't mean you will win. Justice does not prevail in our justice system at all. The law is set up for the crooks to win and for honest people to get screwed. Lawyers don't give a crap about anything except making as much money as they can before we blow our heads off in utter disgust. And us stupid people are all dependent upon them to represent us in court because the legal system is just to sophisticated for us to figure out. The Judges don't listen to anything at all- especially us stupid people. And then they just shock everyone with their wild decision. Maybe it will go better for you than it did for me, but from my experience, I would just skip all the bull and go in and kick butt- the only true justice!! That is unless you are just as much of a crook as they are and this is all just designed to blow our minds. No matter how you slice it, the investor, me, is screwed and I don't see me ever recovering my money at all- I for sure can't see my stock ever hitting $100.00 so it will be impossible for me. As far as I am concerned, I have been ripped off blind! It was nothing more than a TAKE!
Someone mentioned that this itself should be written as a Hollywood movie. I do agree. This some kind of crazy scandal.
Anyway, when I found this website and found this forum, I thought it was kind of interesting and funny how other people are seeing this. I would not invest one single dime into this company and I wouldn't believe anything any of them say. Don't forget, they are all a bunch of actors and masters of illusion and fantacy- that is their art and how they make a living. They are all very cunning in their craft. They used their movie making talents to create an illusion, rip everyone off who believed them, and now created this wild struggle to cause so much confusion that it will be buried forever. I doubt that anyone will ever get to the bottom of anything. And I doubt anyone will ever see any their money again.