herm, one of the recent 'downsides' to uplisting is this: the company is now dual listed pinks/otcbb.......and in some cases the level 2 may or may not show through the sponsoring mm, or anyone, for that matter....
if you use one of the feeds like 'equity' or 'esignal' or 'alpha'....you may get a feed on level 2, however some of the brokers may or may not feed the otcbb side into their streaming quotes with respect to level 2....they are showing the pink side only which would mean.....no level 2.....i am currently following a number of stocks like this and ever so slowly they are starting to represent on the box.....huge pia.
if thats the case, the sponsoring mm will have to go back and find which one of the 5 finra examiners had the case and talk directly with them about representation and the 'piggyback'....then there is no guarantee a fix will take place
aside from the above........uplisting is a good thing.....primarily because of the filings and credibility purposes......