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Alias Born 03/18/2004

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Saturday, 12/19/2009 11:03:33 AM

Saturday, December 19, 2009 11:03:33 AM

Post# of 14019
Here is entire article

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

Dear Energy and Capital Reader,

Resident commodity expert Ian Cooper has done it again.

His latest recommendation is about to make its meteoric run.

(In fact it's already up 12% in the few short weeks since Ian released it to his readers.)

Bottom line: This may be the most important research we've published all year.

It's all laid out in the following report.

To your wealth,

Keith Kohl
Editor, Energy and Capital

For Honda, Toyota - even the DoD - this chunk of Arctic tundra is about to become the most crucial piece of real estate on the planet.

That's because on January 1, for the first time in history, the country's $273 billion Rare Earth resource will become private property.

And one company will control it all.

Dear Reader,

On New Year's Day, the Kingdom of Denmark will relinquish its sovereign hold over Greenland's mineral rights.

At stake: a 500-square-mile hunk of Arctic bedrock...

To most, this ice-encrusted landscape is the definition of barren and uninviting.

The only vegetation is moss, and the nearest town is little more than a collection of tents, over 100 miles away.

But to the world's biggest automakers, as well as to the global weapons industry, this uninhabitable hunk of rock is the most precious 500 square miles on the planet.

?You see, locked within this property is a unique group of minerals, concentrated unlike any other deposit on earth.

?They're called Rare Earth Elements, or REEs for short. And this prized piece of land contains more than $273 billion worth.

Without them, some of our most important modern technologies could never exist.

In fact, they're so crucial to modern circuitry that industry insiders came up with a nickname for REEs: 'Technology metals.'

From hybrid car batteries... to wind turbine motors... to missile guidance systems...

Metals such as cerium, promethium, europium and many of the remaining 29 Rare Earth Elements are essential to all modern electronic devices that use:

rechargeable batteries
electric motors
photo optics
solar cells
strong magnets
And as the Kingdom of Denmark signs away its rights to these riches, the world's biggest concentration of REEs will fall into the hands of a single company.

Literally overnight, this company - which is trading for just around 60 cents right now - will come to control 1/4 of the global supply... for the next half century.

Now before I tell you all about this company -- and its imminent run-up -- let me explain why these minerals are so critical for Big Auto and the defense industry...

... And why they're the Western world's last line of defense against a huge and determined rival.

You see, for the last 15 years, the world has gotten its REEs from one main source.

And it hasn't exactly been a friendly one.

China's Mission:
A Rare Earth Element Monopoly
"The Mideast had oil, but China has Rare Earth Elements. As OPEC did with oil... China is about to tighten its hammerlock on the market for some of the world's most valuable metals." - NY Times

The Chinese knew how important Rare Earths would be years ago.

In fact, as far back as 1992, Communist Party Leader Deng Xiaoping said: "There is oil in the Middle East. There is rare earth in China."

And since then, they have been doing everything in their power to realize this destiny...

On April 27th of this year, they penned a deal with a major foreign supplier to widen their control of this market to a historic level.

Today, thanks to that deal, Communist China produces 96.8% of the total global supply of these vital elements.

...And they're wasting no time wielding this monopoly as a weapon...

As every auto-manufacturer scrambles to build the next gas/electric hybrid sensation or plug-in wondercar, REEs are about to become some of the most sought-after elements on the planet.

Of course, the Chinese planned for this well in advance. And they're already taking big steps to scale back production for export.

"China has relentlessly slashed its export quotas for rare earths every year since the start of the decade, much to the despair of Japan, which has plans to forge ahead in new markets, such as electric cars. Those restrictions have sent the likes of Toyota and Japan's largest trading houses scrambling to secure more supply, with government sources in Tokyo describing a "panic mentality" among some large industrial groups." - The Times OnlineThe ultimate goal: To control the price of every gram of Rare Earths produced.

It was almost a done deal.

But there was one thing the Chinese juggernaut didn't count on...

Something that will make investors millions of dollars in the months to come.

With the Chinese stranglehold on REEs immune to the sort of Congressional action that usually stops Western monopolies in their tracks...

The fate of the hybrid industry, and the high-end electronics industry along with it, all rests on this single 500-square-mile plot of land in a remote corner of the Northern Hemisphere.

The Company Taking Over this Real Estate...
Is About To Claim 25% of the Global REE Marketplace

With a quarter of the market securely within its reach, this mining outfit will soon control the balance of the global Rare Earths market.

Over the next 50 years, even by the most conservative growth estimates, these reserves will have generated as much as $273 billion in today's money.

Being in such a position at this time in history is the kind of rare opportunity that can create truly legendary fortunes.

Because with each passing day, Rare Earths only become more important to modern industry...

In fact, one sector -- one of the fastest-growing markets in the world -- simply can't move forward without them.

The Cleantech Imperative
"The Prius automobile is the biggest user of rare earths of any object in the world." - Jack Lifton, commodities analystAlmost since its very inception, the cleantech sector has been under threat.

Here's what I mean:

Every Toyota Prius, every Honda Civic Hybrid, and just about every other battery-powered car on the market requires between 23 and 25 pounds of Rare Earths to run.

For Japan, this is a very dangerous scenario:

"Japan, which imports nearly 100% of its rare earths from China, sees the group of elements as a probable battleground." - Wall Street Journal

And while cleantech is still new, it's already changing the face of the REE market.

Because as vital as Rare Earth components are, they make up only a tiny fraction of the overall mass of any modern electronic device.

That is why up until 2008, the entire global market for REEs was just $2 billion.

But with the emergence of cleantech, this is all rapidly changing.

In fact, less than a year from now, growth in the battery-powered car industry will increase global REE consumption between 90% and 166% from 2008 levels.

Now here's why there is no end in sight for this trend: In high-capacity batteries, Rare Earths represent a significant percentage of the weight.

And right now, these batteries are being produced at an unprecedented rate.

Just look at the forecast for hybrid/electric sales for the next six years:

I'm talking about over 10 million battery-powered cars globally by the year 2015. (That's a 500% increase over what exists today.)

And remember, it's not just hybrids.

It's any technology in which electric motors, photovoltiac cells and portable rechargeable batteries are essential... which means that on top of using REEs in the solar panels and in the the wind turbines themselves, every cleantech power generator will also rely on REE-filled batteries to store the energy.

And because batteries are so much hungrier for REEs more than any other single product, the demand for REEs will outpace the growth of the consumer electronics market alone -- by as much as four-fold.

It's a trend that's been playing right into the hands of Beijing's puppet masters.

But that's not the worst of it...

You see, in addition to cleantech, the Chinese stand to gain control of something just as critical, but far more dangerous...

Meet Beijing's Wealthiest Hostage:
The $1.4 Trillion Global High-Tech Weapons Industry

Three of the most important Rare Earth Elements -- neodynium, dysprosium and terbium -- are vital to the construction of high-tech military equipment, including:

Communications systems
Precision munitions
Navigation and guidance systems
Spy satellites
Specialized optics
Shockingly, our own government has made no effort to stockpile these materials - even in the quantities they require to maintain battle-readiness.

"The United States imports 100 percent of the rare earths it needs...As the American military depends more and more on high-technology weapon systems, it becomes ever more dependent on rare earth minerals - and China. That is raising alarms inside the Pentagon." - Defense News

And it's the same story for every other major Western power.

I don't need to explain to you how destabilizing this is for the world's leading economies.

And not just because their civilian populations will soon come to rely on Chinese products just to get to work in the morning...

But because the very fabric of global security -- made possible only through NATO's military dominance -- will be dependent on one of our biggest rivals for its survival.

It's the financial equivalent of the Cold War.

But with Greenland's massive REE resources going into private ownership in just a few weeks, developing crisis has opened the door for individual investors to amass a fortune from one simple trade.

Let me introduce you to...

The 60 Cent Stock That Could Return 782%

This company has already set itself apart from all others in the junior mining sector.

It's precisely the sort of company that Ian Cooper -- a trader whose portfolio boasts a 95.0% success rate during one of the worst years in Wall Street history -- lives for.
Right now, Ian's brand new recommendation -- the new owner of this legendary site in Greenland -- is poised to become the world's second-biggest supplier of Rare Earths.

The future, however, wasn't always this certain.

Up until recently, two other mining companies -- Lynas Corporation and Arfura Resources -- were also major contenders to threaten the Chinese Rare Earths monopoly.

But the recent global economic downturn nearly killed them both. In fact they only exist today because the Chinese themselves swooped in with emergency financing.

The infusion of capital saved these companies' hides, but it came at a price.

When it was all over, two more companies, and two more vast Rare Earth deposits, were in Chinese hands... leaving Ian's brand-new recommendation all alone to challenge the Chinese.

And in just a few weeks, that's exactly what they'll be doing.

Once production ramps up in Western Greenland, this operation will remain securely at the top of the food chain by producing at least 50,000 tonnes of Rare Earth Elements and Lithium annually.

With an expected annual production of that magnitude, this $58 million outfit would have grossed a staggering $720 million -- in last year's market!
But even if they were running at only quarter capacity, and even if costs ate up an almost unheard of 90% of gross revenue (for REEs, 50% is closer to normal), the share price would still hit about about $3.91.
Based on today's price, that works out to a 782% increase...
...Which means that if this mineral right transfer had taken place just a year earlier, investors getting in on the ground floor would have already cashed in $3,925 for every $500 invested!

And that's figuring very conservatively.

Fortunately, this didn't happen a year ago... but it is happening right now. So, for the moment, this monumental opportunity is still within your reach.
Let me show you how Ian can help you...

Increase Your Wealth with this Rare Earth Gem

My name is Brian Hicks, and I'm the president of the investment research company Angel Publishing Investment Research.

I've committed my entire career, going on two decades now, to uncovering the market's strongest trends and showing investors like you how to profit from the most undervalued opportunities in the world.

I've made it a point to see the companies I invest in with my own eyes.

From oil boomtowns like Desdemona, Texas, to the Powder River Basin in Wyoming to Ukraine.

We've stood at the heart of the oil sands industry in Fort McMurray -- Alberta, Canada, and been awed by a wind park in Palm Springs, California.

My investment insights have led to regular appearances on financial shows like CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox, CNN and Fox Business.

And yet, through all of this, it's my firm belief that there is no better investment than human talent.

Which is why I've invested in one of the best traders on the planet today.

With over 1,150 successful trades on his record, Ian Cooper's mind has been a priceless resource to my company.

His track record speaks for itself:

120% on Royal Caribbean
194.12% on QQQ
269.52% on On2 Technologies
270% on ONT
268% on CYD
206.33% on VTSS
246% on IPIX
233% on TLTCJ
515.38% on MQJSB
225% on ETGP
302.15% on ASTM
"Wow. Joined yesterday and bought the FAS call at $2.00. Got the alert today to sell half. I chickened out and sold all at $3.10. No worries as i will take the 60% gain and wait for Ian's next move. Holy am i impressed." - Kris LAnd that's just to name a few. Had I shown you all of his winning trades just for the past 2 years, it would be five pages long.

His incredible insights and often unpopular but ultimately prophetic observations have garnered him a great deal of attention from the financial media.

He's filled columns from Investor's Business Daily all the way to Forbes...

... and made numerous appearances on investment shows such as Money Matters with Barry Armstrong and On the Money with Mike Stein.

Ian's spotted scores of blockbuster buy and hold opportunities. But it's his knack for finding rapid, explosive trades that brought him to the Pure Asset Trader team.

"To all at Angel Publishing, I have to tell your skeptics that in the last 30 days I have made $16,000 dollars using one of your products... Pure Asset Trader (the best part about it was I did it on a free 60 day test run), the returns are tremendous to say the least!! 3 days ago I rolled my profit into the best stock in my portfolio, I decided to become a Wealth Trust member and already making huge returns on the info I gained from that. Its great getting up at 6:30 am and watching my portfolio grow all day long by $500 per day. I have been out of work for 2 years and can now hold my head up again and better yet, pay my bills!! Thanks You guys are on it!!" - Curtis S.Since this February, he's gone 37 for 39 - that's a 95% success rate - during one of the worst years on record for Wall Street.

And all of our winners have a couple of very important things in common...

They're all energy and resource stocks with enormous potential...
And they're all companies that our team of researchers closely follows on a daily basis.
And with a track record like Ian's, investors are demanding more recommendations.

Problem for some investors, however, is that these recommendations -- unlike those in some of our other services -- aren't buy and holds, which may take up to three years to reach full value.

We're after the fast money. And with Ian following and executing the trades, the fast money is turning into the easy money.

And just to be clear...

No one is complaining at all about the track record for any of our buy and hold services. Nothing will ever change the fact that investors can make good, solid returns by maintaining a portfolio filled with stocks we like for the long term.

Unfortunately, the number of investors who can sign up for our Pure Asset Trader is strictly limited.

"I just joined and the SPF puts are my very first trade using your service. Bought at 0.85 and it's now trading at $1.90... a 121% gain in 3 days... very nice." - NZIn order to make sure every one of our subscribers has the ability to get maximum value out of each recommendation, membership will be strictly limited to 1,400 seats.

The first time we opened this window, nearly half of those seats were gobbled up by our premium profit-hungry readers in the span of a weekend.

So it's important that you act quickly if you'd like to get in.

But I must tell you... in order to become a member of the Pure Asset Trader, you need to do so soon. As it stands right now, there's only a handful of seats open.

And unfortunately, we can't increase capacity.

"Now, I've seen other "experts" billing themselves out for several thousand dollars a day - and their trading advice can't tread water next to the winners Ian shows you on a weekly basis. "Outstanding! Made over $3,000 on this play. More than paid for my subscription." - John TIt's just the nature of the business.

Because if we allowed an unlimited number to join, we could easily push the stock up several hundred percent. That would be a disaster.

That's why we have a strict limit on membership.

But if you're one of the lucky investors that lands a spot, you can expect to see at least 20 double-digit recommendations within the next 12 months in Pure Asset Trader... and quite possibly 50-75.

But we don't plan on holding these positions very long. In and out. Take the profit and run. That's what we'll be doing.

If the amount of trades bothers you, then this service isn't for you.

But if getting rich doesn't bother you, I urge you to join right now.

Another point I want to discuss is how the trades will be delivered to you.

The trades will be sent via e-mail. No Faxes. That's because we want everybody to receive the trade at approximately the same time.

So everyone will be on equal footing.

But unless you're absolutely certain that this is for you, do not consider moving forward.

Because this style of trading, not to mention the rewards it can bring, is not for everybody.

By signing up for the Pure Asset Trader, you're elevating yourself into the top tier of the trading community.

If you're confident in your commitment to this opportunity, I want to tell you more about Ian's newest blockbuster trade:

Report #1: Rare Earth Elements' Greatest Gains

Rare Earth Elements are the energy stock of the future.

From batteries to missile guidance systems, they not only make the modern world go round, but will soon be powering it, too.

My newest recommendation is set to take the Rare Earth market by storm as the world's biggest single deposit of REEs is unleashed on the market for the first time.

Get the inside track on this startling new stock that is destined to control 1/4 of the global market, for the next half century, by getting my new report: Rare Earth Elements' Greatest Gains .

In addition, learn about these fortune-building trades:

Report # 2: Profit from the 2 Metals that will Change the World

Lithium prices have nearly tripled over the past decade with 22% compound annual growth since 2000 for use in laptops, cell phones, and other electronics.

And demand is expected to continue rising, as the recent lithium mania has been ignited by the fact that electric cars require about 3,000 times the lithium needed for an average cell phone, or 100 times the lithium used in a computer battery. And as more cars switch from gas to battery, demand for lithium will only increase.

While one of the best ways to profit from the lithium boom is Western Lithium, we have two - even four more -- plays that are just beginning to run, as even President Obama gets on board. He's asking for one million electric cars to be on U.S. roads by 2015... with another 8.6 million on the road by 2018, according to JP Morgan.

In addition, we've just uncovered one company that's expanding and developing what may be one of the largest vanadium deposits in the world.

Sure, most people have never heard of vanadium... but given the new focus by governments and corporations to develop alternative and renewable energy sources to address climate change and our fossil fuel-dependency... that could all change, quickly.

Already, increasing demand for vanadium battery applications is growing.

Subaru, for example, just revealed its G4E concept car, powered by vanadium-lithium batteries.

This battery is reportedly capable of strong 2 to 3 times more energy than standard lithium-ion batteries.

This stock is one to keep in your portfolio for the long haul.

One more thing:
Along with full private access to our web site, the moment a trade is bought or sold you'll immediately be sent an e-mail. The reason we're doing this is that we want everyone to be on equal footing. They could arrive at any time of the day, from 9am to 8pm.

So it's important you follow the instructions. This way you'll get the trade... and you'll have ample time to execute it.

But by now you have to be wondering...

How Much Does The Pure Asset Trader Cost?

There's no getting around it.

This level of service is highly specialized. And the countless hours it takes Ian to find, study, and recommend just one of the trades he uncovers takes a lot of time, expertise, and resources.

Research outfits typically sell this kind of in-depth information for as high as $20,000 a year.

But I'm not going to charge anywhere near that.

In fact, the normal membership price is $1,495 a year.

If you enroll today, however, and sign on to the Pure Asset Trader, you can save 47% and pay only $795 for a full year.

That's nearly six months worth of trading research we'll give you absolutely free!

Understandably, $795 is a lot to swallow, even considering that many of you have made hundreds of thousands of dollars following our research.

So here's the deal. We're also offering a quarterly bill program. If you opt for that method, you'll be charged $249 every three months.

Here's the full tally of what you'll get:

Access to the Pure Asset Trader's members-only portfolio and its 95% success rate
Up-to-the-minute updates on new trades via e-mail
Buy/Sell e-mail alerts
Report # 1: Rare Earth Elements' Greatest Gains

Report # 2: Profit from the 2 Metals that will Change the World
Now let me say one more thing about Ian. There aren't many independent investment analysts like him. For one thing, questions sent in actually get answered by Ian himself. And his track record speaks for itself.
In fact, that's one of the reasons we're forced to cap membership in the Pure Asset Trader at 1,400 investors.

Plus, we want to make sure you're 100% satisfied. So, if for any reason you're unhappy with Pure Asset Trader, you can get a full refund at any time before the end of the first month of your membership.

If you're ready to start making a fortune in rock-solid energy trades by trading alongside Ian and his tight-knit group of investors, I encourage you to join now and get started!

To your wealth,

Brian Hicks
Publisher, Pure Asset Trader