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Alias Born 01/12/2004

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Monday, 10/04/2004 10:36:11 AM

Monday, October 04, 2004 10:36:11 AM

Post# of 358440
October 4, 2004. (FinancialWire) The illegal manipulative trading issue known as “naked short selling” that has embroiled almost the whole of Wall Street, including lawsuits against A.G. Edwards (NYSE: AGE), Citigroup’s (NYSE: C) Citibank, Charles Schwab (NYSE: SCH) and Ameritrade Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: AMTD), found some attention at the recent Securities and Exchange Commission’s Forum on Small Business.

Delegates to the September 20 annual forum passed several resolutions on the issue to be submitted to the SEC. Among them were:

1. Extend Reg. SHO to apply to all publicly traded companies including non-reporting companies.
2. Recommend that the SEC Commissioners reinstate the proposed provision in Regulation SHO that prohibited a selling shareholder from withdrawing his/her profits from the trade until after delivery of the underlying sold shares.
3. SEC should require all SROs, and any clearinghouse for an SRO that receives securities into accounts for security holders to disclose the fact of the ability to loan the securities in the accounts and allow security holders to opt out of allowing the securities to be loaned.

The campaign against illegal and manipulative naked short selling suffered a major blow recently as a U.S. District Judge dismissed Jag Media Holdings’ (OTC: JAGH) suit upon a motion by some 75 defendants, including A.G. Edwards (NYSE: AGE) and Citigroup’s (NYSE: C) Citibank.

It left leaders of the campaign disillusioned at the quality of legal work being performed by the vaunted law firms Christian, Smith, Wukoson and Jewell, and OQuinn, Laminack and Pirtle, whose notches already include environmental targets, the breast implant industry and the tobacco industry, and may have squelched purported plans by General Electric’s (NYSE: GE) Dateline NBC program to air an expose on the naked shorting controversy.

According to Dow Jones (NYSE: DJ) reporter Carol Remond who first broke the story, which still doesn’t seem to have been revealed to the company’s investors and shareholders via either a press announcement or SEC filing, Jag Media and Gary Valinoti, the company's former chief executive, sued over 100 brokerage firms, investment firms and financial institutions in July 2002, alleging that they entered into a civil conspiracy and concert of action to short sell Jag Media's stock.

“In the suit, originally filed in the Judicial District Court, Harris county in Texas and later removed to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, Jag Media alleged that the financial institutions committed market manipulation and fraud and violated securities laws,” Remond reported, noting that U.S. District Judge Vanessa Gilmore dismissed the planitiffs’ allegations of securities fraud and illegal short selling because of filing deficiencies, specifically that they “failed to state a claim, failed to allege any wrongdoing by any specific defendants and failed to properly claim fraud.”

The attorneys, including famed lawyer John O’Quinn, apparently had plenty of notice and opportunity to get their acts together. Remond noted that in September, 2003, Judge Gilmore had found that Jag Media failed to establish that all or any of the defendants violated the securities exchange act. Gilmore said that Jag Media's second amended complaint lacked specifics and asked Jag Media to file an amended complaint.

“Jag Media filed its third amended complaint in October 2003. The company alleged in that complaint that its case involves an initial scheme by three of the defendants - Mark Valentine, Thompson, Kernaghan & Co. and CALP II Limited Partnership - to defraud Jag Media into selling convertible preferred stock at less than fair market value. According to Jag Media, this initial scheme was followed by a second scheme in which brokers and market makers manipulated the company's shares for their own profit. Jag Media claimed that the financial firms used various trading tactics such as matched trades, washed trades, ‘painting the tape’ and selling counterfeit, or non-existent shares.”

Stockgate Today, the newsletter of founder Dave Patch said for the “legal teams spearheaded by millionaire Texas lawyer John O’Quinn,” the latest result of those efforts “appears to be a repeat pattern.”

He pointed out that Judge Gilmore’s “scathing ruling” cited “repeated deficiencies in the attorneys’ abilities to file an amended complaint meeting the standards of law.”

He said that despite the article in the Dow Jones, the lawyers had claimed they had heard of no such ruling, leading to Patch to deliver the fatal blow: “The lawyers were the last to know.”

Patch said that the lawyers had “been given over a year, as well as the benefit of a 2003 Order to draft up a third and final filing that met the standards of laws and once again they failed. With that, the lawsuit, and the evidence at hand will not be used in a court of law to determine guilt or innocence. The victims in this case will remain victims for now.”

Patch called the setback an “embarrassment to all the people who fight against the abuses taking place against the lower tier companies and the middle class investors who put their investments in these companies.”

Stockgate, a growing global malady, is being contested on multiple levels, including judicial, legislative and political.

Robert Shapiro, chair of Sonecon LLC, an economic advisory firm and former Under Secretary of Commerce from 1998 to 2001 and principal economic advisor to President William Clinton in his 1992 campaign, has expressed “serious concerns about the impact of the final version of Regulation SHO regarding short sales on the equity and transparency of our equity markets.”

Shapiro holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University and has been a Fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Brookings Institution, and Harvard University.

Shapiro said the SEC is correct to broaden the terms of regulation of short sales, and applauded the section directing broker dealers to mark all equity orders as “long,” “short” or “short exempt.” More important, he said, the new “locate and delivery” requirements could substantially reduce stock manipulation carried out through naked short sales -- but only if those requirements are widely applied and strictly enforced.

“Unfortunately, Regulation SHO does not meet either of these two standards. The troubling result is that the Regulation, in effect, establishes an official level of tolerance for unsettled or naked short sales,” Shapiro charged.

“As Regulation SHO now stands, strict requirements to locate and deliver borrowed shares in short sale transactions are directed only to a very small subset of securities, called ‘threshold’ securities, that 1) already have fails to deliver at a registered clearing agency of at least 10,000 shares for five consecutive settlement days, 2) when those failures equal at least one-half of one percent of the outstanding shares, and 3) the security is already included on a daily list of securities meeting these requirements published by an SRO.

“Only when all three of these conditions are met is a broker dealer carrying out a short sale required by Regulation SHO to borrow the security or enter into a bona fide arrangement to do so. These provisions set a new and troubling standard for short sales: A broker can now sell short a security without borrowing the shares or arranging to do so, so long as the security does not meet one or more of those three conditions.

He said the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation estimates that just 4 percent of public equities have settlement failures exceeding 0.5 percent of their outstanding shares.

“The SEC definition of ‘threshold’ securities, therefore, excludes 96 percent of all traded securities from strict locate requirements for short sales, or nearly 9,000 of the estimated 9,350 companies currently traded on U.S. exchanges and markets,” said Shapiro.

“Instead, he noted, Regulation SHO allows a broker dealer to satisfy the “locate” requirement for short sales in the securities of 96 percent of publicly-traded firms without either borrowing shares or entering into an agreement to do so, if (s)he has “reasonable grounds to believe that the security can be borrowed so that it can be delivered on the date delivery is due.”[2] The Regulation further states that this “reasonable grounds” standard will be satisfied if the equity being sold short is included in a current “Easy to Borrow” list.

Yet, said Shapiro, Regulation SHO sets no standards for these “Easy to Borrow” lists, other than that repeated failures to deliver securities included on a list will indicate that reliance on that particular list does not satisfy the “reasonable grounds” test.

“This provision allows a broker dealer to carry out a series of short sales without any direct evidence that the particular security being sold short is even available for borrowing. At a minimum, the SEC should establish clear and strict standards for inclusion on ‘Easy to Borrow’ lists based not on a list’s past record of including other securities that were not ultimately delivered, but on current evidence of the actual availability for borrowing of the number of shares of the particular security to be sold short.”

Similarly, said Shapiro, the final Regulation imposes strict delivery requirements once an extended failure to deliver has occurred only on short sales in “threshold” securities: When the short seller of a “threshold” security has failed to deliver the securities for 10 days after the normal settlement date, or 13 consecutive settlement days, Regulation SHO requires the clearing agency to step in and itself purchase the securities for delivery.

“But the Regulation provides virtually no means of enforcing the delivery of non-threshold shares sold short ­ again, covering the securities of an estimated 96 percent of all publicly-traded companies, or nearly 9,000 from a total of 9,350 companies. Stated another way, Regulation SHO imposes no enforcement requirements on those who sell short and fail to deliver the shares, so long as the uncovered short sales of the targeted company equal less than 0.5
percent of its outstanding shares.

“Nor will this ‘threshold’ test of 0.5 percent of a company’s outstanding shares protect honest investors from those who seek to manipulate a company’s share price through large-scale naked short sales. Among the young public companies that are often the target of naked short sellers, most outstanding shares are held by company executives and original investors and restricted from trading trade freely. In all such cases, short sales equivalent to less than 0.5 percent of the company’s outstanding shares can amount to as much as 20 to 30 percent of the shares actually available for actual trading, allowing stock manipulators to drive down the share price with naked shorts that still do not breach the 0.5 percent ceiling set by Regulation SHO. If the 0.5 percent standard for threshold securities is retained, the Commission at a bare minimum should apply it to registered shares available for free trading, not to outstanding shares.

“These and other provisions of the final Regulation SHO are far weaker than even the draft version. The final Regulation has dropped a provision from the earlier draft that would have directed clearing agencies to report to the National Association of Security Dealers and the designated examining authority any investor failing to deliver.”

More important, stated Shapiro, the final Regulation eliminated a promising proposal in the draft version that would have withheld the benefits of mark-to-market payments (e.g., return of collateral as the share price declines) from investors who fail to deliver the shares they have sold short. Without this means of enforcing the delivery of shares sold short, those who fraudulently carry out naked short sales to manipulate the price of a company’s shares can continue to collect their profits, to the detriment of millions of honest investors.

“Regulating short sales in a way that still provides those who don’t deliver the shares they sell short with the profits from their uncompleted short sales violates the most basic principles of a fair and free market. Moreover, no outside authority will be alerted, so long as they target their fraud to any of the nearly estimated 9,000 companies whose equities are classified as ‘non-threshold’ securities, and limit the fraud in any single case to 0.5 percent of the company’s outstanding shares.”

Shapiro said he strongly concurs with the comments of the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) on the draft rule, which said NASAA was “unable to determine why the Commission proposes to permit significant settlement failures at all. While there are instances when settlement may be legitimately delayed, existing regulations provide for extensions for settlement. If the Commission continues to allow settlement failures, it may well facilitate the harm that the proposal is designed to remedy.”

Shapiro stated that by exempting from strict locate and delivery requirements any failures to deliver in equity issues with existing failures of less than 0.5 percent of their outstanding shares, Regulation SHO appears to establish an official level of acceptance and tolerance for unsettled or naked short sales.

“I respectfully submit that that these provisions could end up providing tacit SEC approval for billions of dollars in unsettled short sales. With the value of the publicly-traded shares on all exchanges and markets totaling an estimated $20.415 trillion, do these provisions effectively permit unsettled short sales of 0.5 percent of that total or an estimated $102 billion a day? I respectfully request that the SEC provide an estimate of the maximum unsettled short sales that could occur under Regulation SHO without triggering locate and delivery requirements.

“By permitting the widespread settlement failures that rightfully concern the NASAA and all honest investors, Regulation SHO effectively tolerates abuses, principally through naked short sales, that can undermine basic confidence in U.S. equity markets. Under the terms of this Regulation, naked short sellers will be able, in effect, to inject into the markets millions of shares that do not exist without triggering strict locate or delivery requirements. Whatever the legal definition, naked short sales are an economic equivalent of counterfeiting. Until Regulation SHO, this economic counterfeiting has been facilitated by electronic record keeping and the apparent practice of the DTCC and its subsidiary National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) of often disregarding persistent unsettled short positions. With Regulation SHO, the SEC has provided its implicit imprimatur for the same practice in cases covering the vast majority of public companies and billions of dollars.”

Shapiro urged the SEC to “reconsider the provisions of Regulations SHO and, at a minimum, apply the ‘locate and delivery’ requirements for threshold securities to all short sale transactions, and adopt a zero-tolerance policy for significant settlement failures. American investors should feel confident that the SEC will ensure the integrity of every equity transaction they undertake and fully protect their right to receive what they have paid for.”

While the battle is still waged in the U.S., some of the threats to small investors’ investments are being exacted overseas. Despite some 250 companies winning their exit pass, the website reported that dozens of companies are still being refused delistings from the Berlin-Bremin Exchange, including ImageWare Systems (AMEX: IW) and Action Products International (NASDAQ: APII). FinancialWire also reported that Sontra Medical Corp. (NASDAQ: SONT) is among those whose shares Berlin has resisted delisting.

In all, Faulk said Berliner Freiverkehr CEO Holger Timm reported he has been asked by 386 firms to cease their trading. He is said to have balked at the term delisting, noting that “Trading foreign shares on the third-tier market segment at the Berlin or any other German exchange is not being regarded as a 'listing', therefore it is incorrect to use the term 'delisting' if a company wants to cease trading."

FaulkingTruth said others refused delistings include Endevco Inc. (OTCBB: ENDE), Limelight Media Group (OTCBB: LMMG), IpVoice Communications (OTCBB: IPVO), now NewMarket Technology Inc, (OTCBB: NMKT), Force Protection (OTCBB: FRCP), Cyber Digital Inc. (OTCBB: CYBD), and XRAYMEDIA (OTCBB:XRYM). Others mentioned yesterday included Military Communications Technology (OTCBB: MLTA), Dalrada Financial Corp. (OTCBB: DRDF), and Mannatech Inc. (NASDAQ: MTEX).

Timm sent a letter to companies asking to be delisted, which promised if “after considering the above aspects, should you still prefer your stocks not to be traded in Germany we will respect your wish and apply for delisting on the Berlin stock exchange.”
However, for dozens of companies, that appears to have been an empty offer.

Timm responded to Faulk that “the current situation regarding the eight companies questioned by you is as follows: ImageWare is listed on the AMEX and has been trading in Berlin since May, 3rd, 2000. Action Products is listed on NASDAQ and has been trading in Berlin since August, 10th, 1999. Endevco has been trading in Berlin since October, 22nd, 1999 with relevant retail trading volume (e.g. 1,855,440 shares traded in 2004). New Market Technologies has been trading with small volumes in Berlin since November, 24th, 2003. Force Protection and Xraymedia have commenced trading in February and March of this year. Because of the trading activities (trading in Force Protection totalled 40,000 shares and Xraymedia totalled 150,000 this year) the exchange refused the cessation of trading in these stocks.”

Officials of the Berlin exchange, however, were not as clear about the trading activities or lack of them.

As to its meetings with U.S. regulators from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the NASD, Timm reportedly stated: "We met the officials once on June 4th, but were not further involved in any talks or meetings. I know that the German exchanges and the German surveillance authorities continue with their talks but I am unaware of the status quo. Particularly, I am unaware of any efforts being made in the US to stop obvious short selling practices. I have got the impression from numerous conversations, that in the meantime many companies understand that Germany is not a place for short selling practices against US companies."

In a comment letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Larry Thompson, Managing Director and Senior Deputy General Counsel for the DTCC, said it is a violation of Section 17A of the Securities Act of 1934 to impose any process or restriction that would cause delays in the settlement process, said the online newsletter, published by
“Although not the intent of the comment letter, Mr. Thomson has just become part of a growing number of people who contend that the most recent short selling reform package out of the SEC, Regulation SHO, may not be in compliance with federal law.

“The letter submitted to the SEC on August 16, 2004 was addressing the SEC’s proposal to restrict all transfer agents from clearing trades on those issuers who created a ‘Custody Only”’ restriction on the trading of their securities,” noted the newsletter.

“Many companies have, in the past sought out this ‘self-help’ measure to reduce the abuses of naked short selling. Without regulatory support in the fraud this was the only possible means of protection available to these issuers. Thomson, whose agency would stand to lose business by this ‘Custody Only’ style of trading, was agreeing with the SEC’s proposal when he ventured into the legal aspects of the issuers proposed restrictions.

“His legal points, presumably unintended, actually shot squarely across the bow of the SEC’s Regulation SHO,” said StockGate Today, pointing to
“The Proposed Rule furthers the goals articulated by Congress when it adopted Section 17A of the Exchange Act in that the Proposed Rule will, among other things, promote the prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions and eliminate the delay, inefficiencies and unnecessary costs inherent in "certificate only "trading sought to be imposed by certain issuers.

Actually, said the publication, the statute referenced, Section 17A of the Securities Act repeatedly states: “The prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions, including the transfer of record ownership and the safeguarding of securities and funds related thereto, are necessary for the protection of investors and persons facilitating transactions by and acting on behalf of investors.”

“Thompson concludes his opinion letter to the SEC by surmising that the SEC should proceed on with this proposal as written because issuers are not authorized to put restrictions on their stock. For transfer agents to clear these stocks would be aiding and abetting unlawful conduct. The point of law being the settlement requirements defined in Section 17A of the Securities Act of 1934.

“Thus, asked the newsletter, with Thompson “claiming that a delay in the settlement of trades is unlawful how can Regulation SHO be grounded by the presumption that trade settlements are not a mandatory part of the Markets?

“The SEC, in Regulation SHO claims that 4% of all publicly traded companies have levels of settlement failures that exceed an abusive threshold. They also admit that in some cases the failures exceed the entire public float of companies. These are market conditions not only create delays and inefficiencies but fraud and manipulation as well. The SEC’s final package never addressed forced settlements and forced timelines on the failures but instead simply threatened ‘future enforcement’ possibilities and placed “restrictions’ above abusive levels.

“The NASD tried to impose a 10 day mandatory window for settlement on fails and the SEC shot down their proposal.

“If the SEC claims the failures under the present DTCC/NSCC settlement system results in 4% of our companies failing above an abusive level, and agrees that delays in settlement are against the law, where is the enforcement of the Securities Act today?” asks the newsletter.

Rumors have been rampant for weeks that the SEC and NASD are at odds over the NASD’s proposals for stronger regulations to squelch illegal market manipulation, proposals that apparently have fallen on deaf ears at the SEC. The frustration boiled over recently when NASD officials responded to inquiries from Dave Patch, editor of Stockgate Today, by venting against criticisms they themselves were being too soft on fraudsters, money launderers and offshore hedge funds who lurk among the illegal naked short sellers.

Patch editorialized that the individual interviewed by the PIPES Report should be terminated.

“By my interpretation, this SEC spokesman has just admitted that they are willing to allow the abuse to take place and only initiate penalties after settlement failures have reached abusive levels. While the SEC does place this restriction of ‘pre-borrowing’ for future short sales, it only becomes a restriction once the failures in settlement reach above a certain abusive threshold.,” said Stockgate Today.

“The SEC never then forces the trades that failed settlement above this level to be immediately settled either. So where is the pain?

What prevents the criminals from attempting the crime? “The NASD’s proposal, unlike the SEC’s, would eliminate any and all opportunity to reach that abusive threshold in the first place as they focus on forcing trades to settle promptly as mandated in Section 17A of the Securities Act.”

Patch said the NASD proposal, now in jeopardy at the SEC, “forces the market to act responsibly.”

Stockgate Today noted that the SEC, in going forward with Regulation SHO, has ignored the NASD, North American Association of Securities Administrators, investors and issuers.
The final Regulation SHO rules are at The trade reporting requirements are at

Recently it was reported that regulated companies, such as dealers, brokers, mutual fund companies, financing firms, and investment houses, have been told they have to submit revised operating manuals to incorporate changes in the Anti-Money-Laundering Act of 2001 by Oct. 29.

The key is a requirement that regulated firms “must know their customers” to prevent money-laundering practices. The firms have to have a procedure to get satisfactory proof of the customer's identity and ensure that effective procedures for verifying the identity of new customers are in place.

Although prospective clients should be interviewed personally, procedures for verification of accounts without face-to-face contact include independent verification of the home or business numbers for telephone interviews, and possible confirmation of employment.

Those outside the country must submit passports, birth certificates, driver’s licenses, employment identification cards or incorporation and partnership papers for corporate accounts, authenticated by a consulate.

However, FinancialWire interviews with spokespersons at the SEC has determined that individuals may open nominee offshore firms without providing their identities to anyone, and by using a multiple number of such nominee firms can even gain complete control of a public company while never revealing their true identities.

The SEC told FinancialWire that it has no power to require identification of individuals behind such firms.

Columnist Jack Anderson has stated that millions if not billions of dollars are laundered through naked short selling schemes.

Meanwhile, opponents of the illegal schemes await the SEC’s acknowledgement of a public NASD proposal that mandates guaranteed settlement of trades after a specifically defined time limit of failure. The SEC and the NASD had apparently hoped the issue would just die, as the proposal is much tougher than the watered-down Regulation SHO that is now on the way to becoming law and implemented in January, 2005.

In an email seen exclusively by FinancialWire, Marc Menchel, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of NASD’s Regulatory Policy and Oversight’s Office of General Counsel, told Patch that “it is not unusual for the SEC and NASD to propose courses of actions that differ in scope and practice as has happened here. The SEC, after thorough deliberation from our point of view, has spoken to this matter in the adoption of Reg SHO. At this juncture, we are considering whether further amendments are warranted to our proposal.”

Menchel said that indeed “NASD and SEC have been in conversations on this topic and both have pursued courses of rulemaking to address the topic.”

Twenty civil cases have now been filed by O'Quinn, Laminack & Pirtle, Christian Smith & Jewell, and Heard, Robins, Cloud, Lubel & Greenwood, LLP, all of Houston, Texas. The consortium of law firms, famed for the giant awards they obtained suing tobacco companies. The group recently brought suit against the Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. for allegedly participating in the short-selling conspiracy through its “stock borrow” program which the attorneys say is nothing more than an illegal electronic printing press for stock certificates.

Lead counsel John O'Quinn said: "We are committed to the relentless pursuit of justice.”

All this has led to some major changes on Wall Street, if not regulatory attentiveness.

Charles Schwab & Co. recently said it is exiting the market-making business. It is one of several market makers that have been the subject of accusations and/or legal entanglements over naked shorting allegations and issues.

The company had said it is either the number one or number two market-maker in more than half of all of NASDAQ’s (OTCBB: NDAQ) listed stocks.

Recently observers were surprised to find a comment letter submitted to the SEC by Mike Alexander, Senior VP of Charles Schwab, that admits outright that brokerages regularly ignore rules and regulations, saying it is not rules that need to be written; it is changes in behavior that is needed.

The comments were directed towards proposed changes in the U.S. settlement system, but could easily apply to other regulations as well.

“Improvements in the U.S. settlement system will only be truly achieved if and when regulations are rationalized to ensure that all market participants are held accountable for compliance. For example, the industry has struggled with the issue of institutional trade affirmation for quite some time now. While the benefits to the clearance and settlement system are self-evident, Buy-Side firms and Custodian banks have been resistant to make those changes that provide for same-day trade confirmation / affirmation and assurance of trade settlement,” said Alexander.

“Schwab opposes the notion that securities intermediaries such as broker-dealers be required to police compliance,” he stated. “The NYSE and other SROs have had trade affirmation rules on their books for some time. However, such rules have not been effective in changing the behavior of Buy-Side firms or their custodians; nor do the rules provide assurance that the affirmed trade will settle.

“Recognition of this fact is evidence that changes to the settlement cycle not only require overhauling systems, but also changing behavior. We believe that only by holding all market participants directly accountable for making required affirmations will the necessary changes to behavior,” he stated at .

In a June 23 release, the SEC stated it has put into place Rule 202(T), which establishes procedures to allow the Commission to temporarily suspend the operation of the current "tick" test in Rule 10a-1, and any short sale price test of any exchange or national securities association, for specified securities.

Through a separate order, the Commission will suspend, on a pilot basis for a period of one-year, the tick test provision of paragraph (a) of Rule 10a-1, and any short sale price test of any exchange or national securities association, for approximately one-third of stocks in the Russell 3000 index.

The order also will suspend, on a pilot basis for a period of one year, the tick test provision of paragraph (a) of Rule 10a-1 for short sales executed in any security included in the Russell 1000 index after 4:15 p.m. Eastern, and all other securities after the close of the consolidated tape, and until the open of the consolidated tape the next day.

The pilot will commence on January 3, 2005 to permit broker-dealers and self-regulatory organizations to make the necessary programming adjustments.

The Commission deferred consideration of the proposal to replace the current "tick" test of Rule 10a-1 with a new uniform bid test. The Commission could reconsider any further action on these proposals after the completion of the pilot.

Rule 203, which will incorporate current Rule 10a-2 and will create a uniform Commission rule requiring broker-dealers, prior to effecting short sales in all equity securities, to "locate" securities available for borrowing.

There will be limited exceptions from the locate requirement, including for short sales by registered market makers in connection with bona-fide market making.

Rule 203 also imposes additional requirements on designated "threshold securities." Rule 203 defines a threshold security to mean an equity security for which there is an aggregate fail to deliver position for five consecutive settlement days at a registered clearing agency of 10,000 shares or more and that is equal to at least 0.5% of the issue's total shares outstanding.

Where a clearing agency participant has a fail to deliver position in threshold securities that persists for ten consecutive days after settlement, the participant must take action to close out the position. Until the position is closed out, the participant, and any broker-dealer for which it clears transactions, may not effect further short sales in the particular threshold security without borrowing or entering into a bona fide arrangement to borrow the security.

Rule 203 will become effective 30 days after publication with a compliance date of January 3, 2005, to permit firms to make programming and procedural adjustments.

Rule 200, which among other things, will redesignate current Rule 3b-3 with some modifications to define ownership and aggregation of securities positions, and include a requirement to mark all sell orders in all equity securities. Rule 200 will become effective 30 days after publication.

The Commission also adopted amendments to Rule 105 of Regulation M to remove the current shelf offering exception, and issued interpretive guidance addressing sham transactions designed to evade the rule.

The amendment applies to short sales effected within five days prior to the pricing of a shelf offering. Such short sales may not be covered with offering securities purchased from an underwriter or other broker-dealer participating in the offering.

The Rule 105 amendments will be effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register, and the interpretive guidance will be effective upon such publication.

Opponents of naked short selling were, however, quick to denounce the provision that allows market makers an exemption, and many market observers said that the SEC should provide a public list of companies that fall into the “threshold security” category.
“The SEC claims that the number of companies involved in this ‘threshold security’ category is 4% of all publicly traded companies. If in fact it is that small the process is certainly manageable,” said the website at . “It is also the right of every issuer, in protecting their business and their investors to know the status of their stock trading.”

Some were discussing whether the SEC can keep such information private under the Freedom of Information Act.

The marketplace is already upset over promises by the Berlin Stock Exchange, since broken, that it would delist any company upon request.

“Please understand that cessation of trading in the shares of XRAYMEDIA Inc. (OTCBB: XRYM) is not possible,” the exchange told one such requester.

It’s not just U.S. companies such as Whistler Investments (OTCBB: WHIS), Sonoran Energy (OTCBB: SNRN), Celsion Corporation (AMEX: CLN), and eLinear Inc. (AMEX: ELU) or Israeli companies that have had serious concerns about their unannounced and unathrorized listings on the Berlin-Bremen Stock Exchange.

Apparently, some 150 British companies are protesting the same fate.

A number of UK-listed companies have demanded a London Stock Exchange investigation after they found that their shares are being traded.

Meanwhile, Whistler, Sonoran and eLinear have announced they have successfully secured their delistings, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has rescheduled its open hearing to consider the adoption of amendments to Regulation Sho to October 4 at 9:30 a.m. The announcement is at .

According to the London Money Telegraph, “several companies believe the market for their shares has been distorted and that they have fallen in value after trading started on the Berlin-Bremen exchange.

“Some smaller companies, whose shares are lightly traded in London, fear the Berlin market has been used by speculators to short-sell their shares.”

The Telegraph said the number of companies are thought to be as high as 150, including even “larger companies” such as Matalan (OTC: MATNF) and Halfords.

Mladen Ninkov, the chairman of Aim-listed Griffin Mining (OTC: GFNMF), was quoted as saying: "We were put on the Berlin market without our knowledge by a German broker and now we've got about 8m shares out in a short sale. It is horrifying - that is about 4 per cent of the company and it is forcing the price down."

A spokesman for the London Stock Exchange said: "If there is evidence of market abuse we would refer that on to the appropriate authorities."

Whistler said that according to its transfer agent records, “we have 5,504,680 shares held by DTC, but the ADP broker search indicates of 6,217,458 shares being reported by broker/dealers as being held on behalf of their customers, indicating a short position of more than 700,000 shares. A summary report can be viewed at .

“We have therefore commenced work with DTC for a formal review of the reported excessive broker/dealer holdings of our stock so that we can conduct our corporate affairs properly in view of our planned stockholders meeting and other upcoming corporate matters. We again advise our stockholders make sure that they receive delivery of any shares that they purchase, and also that their stock is not being borrowed without authorization.

Holly Roseberry, President of Whistler Investments, states "We intend to get to the bottom of the excessive short position and bring stability back into the trading of our stock. We're happy to say that we have 5,133 stockholders and we expect all our stockholders to benefit from the shorters having to cover their short positions.”

FinancialWire has reported on the disclosure that “Dateline,” the investigatory TV program aired by General Electric’s (NYSE: GE) NBC unit, has purportedly been preparing a blockbuster expose of “Stockgate” (see separate story at

It is not known if “Dateline” has uncovered continuing underworld connections to the scandal, but FinancialWire reported that Dateline may be pointing a large finger of conflict at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission itself, which reportedly receives a slice of every transaction fee as part of its budget. According to court filings supported by the O’Quinn/Christian legal network, almost $1 billion annually is received by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. for its “Stock Borrow Program,” which the lawsuits claim is just a fancy name for counterfeiting, as the DTCC purportedly lends out many multiples of the actual certificates in the float. Apparently the SEC receives a transaction fee for each transaction facilitated by these loans of non-existent certificates, which could knock a hole in its budget should the revenues from the practice be halted.

The North American Securities Administrators Association, comprised of state and Canadian regulators, has pointedly told the SEC that either it must rethink its cozy DTCC relationship, or it hints, some of its more aggressive state practitioners (think Eliot Spitzer) may do the rethinking for the SEC.

Naked short selling is worrisome for hundreds of small U.S. companies, including those recently asking to be delisted from the Berlin Stock Exchange, such as Golden Phoenix Minerals, Inc. (OTCBB: GPXM), Nannaco, Inc. (OTCBB: NNCO), 5G Wireless Communications, Inc. (OTCBB: FGWC), CyberAds, Inc. (OTCBB :CYAD), Provectus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: PVCT), House of Brussels Chocolates (OTCBB: HBSL), InforMedix, Inc. (OTCBB: IFMX), Tissera, Inc. (OTCBB: TSSR), Americana Publishing, Inc. (OTCBB: APBH), Celsion Corporation (AMEX: CLN), ChampionLyte Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: CPLY), Pickups Plus, Inc. (OTCBB:PUPS), China Wireless Communications Inc. (OTC BB: CWLC), CareDecision Corp. (OTCBB: CDED), Titan General Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: TTGH), IPVoice Communications, Inc. (OTCBB: IPVO), Whistler Investments (OTCBB: WHIS), WARP Technology Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: WRPT), BGR Corp. (OTCBB: BGRR), ICOA, Inc., (OTCBB: ICOA), DICUT, INC. (OTCBB: DCUTE), NHC Communications Inc. (TSX: NHC; OTCBB: NHCMF), Stratus Services Group, Inc. (OTCBB: SERV), Golden Phoenix Minerals, Inc. (OTCBB: GPXM).

Berliner Freiverkehr (Aktien) AG has been singled out as the broker and market maker that has been “listing” the companies. It is suspected that one broker, RA Angsar Limprecht, is involved in all if not most of the listings.

Small public companies are squeezed not only by hedge funds, naked short sellers, overseas listers such as the Berlin Stock Exchange, and the out-of-control “Stock Borrow Program” run by the governance-conflict-laden Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, but to the amazement of the industry, as often and not by their own regulators.

A new staff recommendation by Annette Nazareth, director of the division of market regulation at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to “outlaw” ownership of paper certificates at the same time the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation is under intense scrutiny for alleged electronic counterfeiting has begun hitting the small public company markets, company executives, shareholders and manipulative short-selling opponents like the proverbial ton of bricks.

A Dow Jones (NYSE: DJ) article by Judith Burns sparked the uproar, as the inextricably intertwined web of connections between the SEC and the DTC, which is sagging from the weight of conflicted governance by representatives from a rollcall of industry heavyweights, including NASD, which owns NASDAQ (OTCBB: NDAQ), the New York Stock Exchange, Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) and Lehman Brothers (NYSE: LEH), to name only a few.

The rule proposal would bar stock transfer agents from handling shares that carry any limitations on transfer. Control over stock certificates is one of the ways that small companies have combated illegal naked short sellers. Burns quoted Nazareth as saying that these companies’ “self-help” efforts “aren’t helping U.S. markets overall.” Nazareth was quoted as saying restrictions on stocks are “a significant step backwards” in the “move from paper stock certificates to automated computerized trading.”

Nazareth said that abusive “naked” short selling has been a problem “in some cases,” but that is “best dealt with by a pending SEC proposal,” presumably Regulation SHO.

SEC Commissioner William Donaldson purportedly publicly refused to answer any questions from the NASD about the timing of the Commission’s consideration of the Regulation at a conference where he was simultaneously proposing early reforms of the mutual fund scandals. The Dow Jones said, however, that Robert Colby, SEC deputy market regulation division director, predicted the SEC will take that to a vote in early June.

The Dow Jones report noted that “naked short-selling occurs when sellers don't buy shares to replace those they borrowed, a manipulative practice that can drive a company's stock price sharply lower.

The stock certiticate plan has been put to a 30-day comment periodl Then the SEC would have to vote to adopt it. If adopted, Colby was quoted as saying that regulators might “sue firms that seek to impose restrictions on stock transfers.”

The recent lawsuit filed by Nanopierce Technologies (OTCBB: NPCT) alleges that the Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. has a lot of reasons, almost one billion of them a year, to keep illegal naked short selling in operation. It was the shot across the bow by the legendary Houston law firms of Christian, Smith, Wukoson and Jewell, and OQuinn, Laminack and Pirtle, whose notches already include environmental targets, the breast implant industry and the tobacco industry, all brought to their knees.

In comments to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, C. Austin Burrell, who is providing litigation support and research for the law firms, said that StockGate is more massive than anyone may have imagined. “Illegal Naked Short Selling has stripped hundreds of billions, if not TRILLIONS, of dollars from American investors,” and have resulted in over 7,000 public companies having been “shorted out of existence over the past six years.” Burrell said some experts believe as much as $1 trillion to $3 trillion has been lost to this practice.

He stated that the restrictions on short selling were deliberately put into the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1934 because of the first-hand evidence then available that the “sheer scale of the crashes was a direct result of intentional manipulation of US markets through abusive short selling by a massive conspiracy.”

Burrell noted that the 65-lawyer team presided over by lead lawyers Wes Christian and John O’Quinn has uncovered more than 1,200 hedge fund and offshore accounts working through more than 150 broker-dealers and market makers in a joint cooperative effort to strip small and medium size public companies of their value.

Recently the NASD and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved an interim naked short-selling band-aid, requiring U.S. brokers to make an “affirmative determination” that short-sellers, even foreign short-sellers, mostly Canadian, can find certificates to cover before processing the order.

Last year, many besieged public companies sought refuge from the manipulation by seeking to exit the DTC, but on October 4, 2003, the SEC stated “the issues surrounding naked short selling are not germane to the manner in which DTC operates as a depository registered as a clearing agency. Decisions to engage in such transactions are made by parties other than DTC. DTC does not allow its participants to establish short positions resulting from their failure to deliver securities at settlement. While the Commission appreciates commenters' concerns about manipulative activity, those concerns must be addressed by other means.”

The Nanopierce lawsuit, said to be the first of many out of the box, emphatically suggests otherwise. According to lawyer Christian,, the DTC is at the very heart of the problem, and has almost a billion dollars a year at stake in keeping the problem.

The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is a member of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, a limited-purpose trust company under New York State banking law and a registered clearing agency with the SEC. The depository supposedly brings efficiency to the securities industry by retaining custody of some 2 million securities issues, effectively "dematerializing" most of them so that they exist only as electronic files rather than as countless pieces of paper. The depository also provides the services necessary for the maintenance of the securities it has in “custody.”

According to the suit, the DTCC has an enormous pecuniary and conflicted interest in the entire short selling scandal through the huge income stream they were realizing from it every day. They have made literally billions of dollars lending individual real shares, in most cases over and over, getting a fee each time they made a journal entry in the “Stock Borrow Program.”

The Stock Borrow Program was purportedly set up to facilitate expedited clearance of stock trades. Somewhere along the line, the DTCC became aware that if it could lend a single share an unlimited number of times, it could collect a fee each time, according to Burrell. “There are numerous cases of a single share being lent ten or many more times,” giving rise to the complaint that the DTCC has been electronically counterfeiting just as was done via printed certificates before the Crash.

“Such re-hypothecation has in effect made the potential ‘float’ in a single company's shares virtually unlimited and the term ‘float’ meaningless. Shares could be electronically created/counterfeited/kited without a registration statement being filed, and without the underlying company having any knowledge such shares are being sold or even in existence.” Burrell said the Christian/O’Quinn lawsuits will seek to show that the “counterfeiting/creation of unregistered shares is a specific violation of the Securities Act of 1933, barring the ‘Sale of Unregistered Securities’.”

While the Nanopierce lawsuit has been filed at the state level, another companion lawsuit just heading to the courts on behalf of (OTC: EXII) will be argued at the Federal level.

Nanopierce’s suit in the 2nd Judicial District Court in Nevada, is Case No. CV04-01079, alleges that the DTC’s “stock borrow program” was “purportedly created to address SHORT TERM delivery failures,” but that the “end result of the program has been to create tens of millions of unissued and unregistered shares to be traded in the public market,” and in some instances resulting in “two or more shareholders who purchase shares in separate transactions to own the same shares.”

The complaint alleges that the DTC has a colossal disincentive to stop the “stock borrow” program, booking revenues from services of $425,416,000 and similarly, the NSCC deriving revenues of $293,133,000.

Further, the suit alleges that “open positions” resulting from this activity at the close of business on December 31, 2003, “approximated $3,025,467,000” due to NSCC, and $2,303,717,000 due by NSCC, and unsettled positions of $721,750,000 for securities borrowed through the NSCC’s “Stock Borrow Program.”

Nanopierce claims that DTCC and NSCC have joined in a “scheme” to “manipulate downward the price of the affected securities, thereby reducing the market value of the open fail to deliver positions.” The suit also claims that the s have permitted sellers to maintain open fail to deliver positions of tens of millions of shares for periods of a year and even longer.

It quotes the National Association of Security Dealers as admitting that “concerns have been raised by members, issuers, investors and other interested parties about potentially abusive short selling activities occurring in the marketplace. In particular, naked short selling, or selling short without borrowing securities to make delivery, can result in long term failures to deliver, including aggregate failures to deliver that exceed the total float of a security. NASD believes such extended failures to deliver can have a negative effect on the market. Among other things, by not having to deliver securities, naked short sellers can take on larger short positions than would otherwise be permissible, which can facilitate manipulative activity.”

Nanopierce claims that it had “relied on material misrepresentations and omissions by DTC and NSCC in trading its shares in the stock market “without knowledge of s’ fraud-on-the market through statements they made about the clearing and settlement services they provided.” Further, it claims that the s acted with “scienter” since they had a major financial financial motivation to falsely represent their services, which Nanopierce claims are also anticompetitive.

The largely unregulated DTC has become something of a defacto Czar presiding over the entire U.S. markets system, wielding more day-to-day influence and control than the SEC, the NASD and NASDAQ combined. And, as the SEC’s October 4 ruling indicates, its monopoly over the electronic trading system appears even to be protected.

The Depository Trust and Clearing Corp.’s two preferred shareholders are the New York Stock Exchange and the NASD, a regulatory agency that also owns the NASDAQ (OTCBB: NDAQ) and the embattled American Stock Exchange! Regulators, regulate thyself?

In an era when corporate governance is the primary interest for the SEC and state regulators, the DTCC is hardly a role model. Its 21 directors represent a virtual litany of conflict:

They include Bradley Abelow, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS); Jonathan E. Beyman, Chief Information Officer, Lehman Brothers (NYSE: LEH); Frank J. Bisignano, Chief Administrative Officer and Senior Executive Vice President, Citigroup / Solomon Smith Barney's Corporate Investment Bank (NYSE: C); Michael C. Bodson, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MWD); Gary Bullock, Global Head of Logistics, Infrastructure, UBS Investment Bank (NYSE: UBS); Stephen P. Casper, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, Fischer Francis Trees & Watts, Inc.; Jill M. Considine,Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC);

Also, Paul F. Costello, President, Business Services Group, Wachovia Securities (NYSE: WB); John W. Cummings, Senior Vice President & Head of Global Technology & Services, Merrill Lynch & Co. (NYSE: MER); Donald F. Donahue, Chief Operating Officer, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC); Norman Eaker, General Partner, Edward Jones; George Hrabovsky, President, Alliance Global Investors Service; Catherine R. Kinney, President and Co-Chief Operating Officer, New York Stock Exchange; Thomas J. McCrossan, Executive Vice President, State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT); Eileen K. Murray, Managing Director, Credit Suisse First Boston (NYSE: CSR); James P. Palermo, Vice Chairman, Mellon Financial Corporation (NYSE: MEL); Thomas J. Perna, Senior Executive Vice President, Financial Companies Services Sector of The Bank of New York (NYSE: BNY); Ronald Purpora, Chief Executive Officer, Garban LLC; Douglas Shulman, President, Regulatory Services and Operations, NASD; and Thompson M. Swayne, Executive Vice President, JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM).
In their comments to the SEC regarding Regulation SHO in January, the 50 state regulators, through their association, the North American Association of Securities Administrators (NASAA) issued what many consider to be a strong warning that if the DTC is not dealt with in the final regulations, state regulators such as New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer may step to the plate.

In what many considered to have been explosive comments, Ralph Lambiase, NASAA president and Director of the Connecticut Division of Securities, warned "NASAA urges the Commission to reconsider its stance regarding the role of the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (the DTC). As a threshold matter, NASAA believes that the Commission should explicitly prohibit the DTC from lending more shares of a security than it actually holds. The ability of the overall proposed rule would be severely impared unless the Commission undertakes to implement such a prohibition.”

As the Nanopierce lawsuit reveals, those were indeed strong words, meddling as it did, in a substantial revenues base for the DTCC.
Recently, leading market makers and brokers named in various lawsuits and other actions, including FleetBoston (NYSE: FBF), Goldman, Sachs & Co. (NYSE: GS), H. Myerson & Co., Inc. (NASDAQ: MHMY), Olde / H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), Charles Schwab (NYSE: SCH), Toronto-Dominion’s (NYSE: TD), TD Waterhouse Group, Bank of America's (NYSE: BAC) Banc of America Securities LLC, Societe Generale's (OTC: SCGLF) SG Cowen Securities Corp. vFinance, Inc. (OTCBB: VFIN), Knight Trading Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: NITE), A.G. Edwards, Inc. (NYSE: AGE), Ameritrade Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: AMTD), Deutsche Bank AG (NYSE: DB), and ETrade Group, Inc. (NYSE: ET), were forced to comply with new short-selling market regulations imposed by the NASD after the SEC had “sat on” the NASD request to plug material loopholes for almost 2-1/2 years.

“The new rules expand the scope of the affirmative determination requirements to include orders received from broker/dealers that are not members of NASD ("non-member broker/dealers").
The new rule is on the web at

The rule itself, while welcomed by small companies and their shareholders in the U.S., nevertheless raised an outcry because the NASD’s request to put it into effect had set on a shelf at the SEC since 2001.

The scandal has embroiled hundreds of companies and dozens of brokers and marketmakers, in a web of internaitional intrigue, manipulative short-selling and cross-border acctions and denials.
Comments on Regulation SHO ended January 5, and may be viewed at .

Some 122 companies, including 13 brokers, such as FleetBoston (NYSE: FBF), Goldman, Sachs & Co. (NYSE: GS), H. Myerson & Co., Inc. (NASDAQ: MHMY), Olde / H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), Charles Schwab (NYSE: SCH), Toronto-Dominion’s (NYSE: TD), TD Waterhouse Group and vFinance, Inc. (OTCBB: VFIN). A.G. Edwards, Inc. (NYSE: AGE), Ameritrade Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: AMTD), Deutsche Bank AG (NYSE: DB), Knight (NASDAQ: NITE) and ETrade Group, Inc. (NYSE: ET), have been embroiled for over a year in a raging controversy

The remaining 109 companies among the 122 named to date have issued press releases or been named in the media as having been victimized, or as taking various actions, either alone or in concert with other companies, to oppose manipulative trading in the form of illegal naked short selling. The actions have ranged from lawsuits to withdrawals and threatened withdrawals from the electronic trading system managed by the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., to withdrawals from toxic financings, to the issuance of dividends or name changes designed to squeeze manipulators, to joining associations or networks or to contacting regulatory authorities to provide documentation of abuses or otherwise complain.

The complete list of those 108 companies include Advanced Viral Research Corp. (OTCBB: ADVR), AdZone Research, Inc. (OTCBB: ADZR), Amazon Natural Treasures (OTC: ANTD), America's Senior Financial Services (OTCBB: AMSE), American Ammunition, Inc. (OTCBB: AAMI), AngelCiti Entertainment (OTCBB: AGLC), ATSI Communications, Inc. (OTC: ATSC), Federal Agricultural Mortgage / Farmer Mac (NYSE: AGM) Allied Capital (NYSE: ALD), American Motorcycle (OTC: AMCYV), American International Industries (OTCBB: AMIN), Ameri-Dream (OTC: AMDR), Adirondack Pure Springs Mt. Water Co. (OTCBB: APSW), ATSI Communications,Inc. (OTC: ATSC) Bluebook International (OTCBB: BBIC), Blue Industries (OTCBB: BLIIV), Bentley Communications (OTCBB: BTLY), BIFS Technologies Corporation (OTCBB: BIFT), Biocurex (OTCBB: BOCX). Broadleaf Capital Partners, Inc. (OTCBB: BDLF), Chattem, Inc. (NASDAQ: CHTT), Critical Home Care (OTCBB: CCLH), Composite Holdings (OTC: COHIA), CyberDigital, Inc. (OTCBB: CYBD). Diamond International Group (OTCBB: DMND), Dobson Communications Corp. (NASDAQ: DCEL), Eagle Tech Communications (OTC: EATC), Edgetech Services (OTCBB: EDGH);

Also, Endovasc Ltd. (OTCBB: EVSC), Enviro-Energy Corporation (OTCBB: ENGY), Environmental Products & Technologies (OTC: EPTC), Environmental Solutions Worldwide, Inc. (OTCBB: ESWW), EPIXTAR Corp. (OTCBB: EPXR), eResearchTechnologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: ERES), Flight Safety Technologies (OTCBB: FLST), Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE), FreeStar Technologies (OTCBB: FSRCE), Front Porch Digital,
Inc. (OTCBB: FPDI), Geotec Thermal Generators, Inc. (OTCBB: GETC), Genesis Intermedia (OTC: GENI), GeneMax Corp. (OTCBB: GMXX), Global Explorations Inc (OTC: GXXL), Global Path (OTCBB: GBPI), GloTech Industries, Inc. (OTCBB: GTHI), Green Dolphin Systems (OTCBB: GLDS), Group Management (OTCBB: GPMT), Hop-On (OTC: HPON), H-Quotient, Inc., (OTCBB: HQNT), Hyperdynamics Corp. (OTCBB: HYPD), International Biochem (OTCBB: IBCL), Intergold Corp. (OTCBB: IGCO), International Broadcasting Corporation (OTCBB: IBCS), InternetStudios, Inc. (OTCBB: ISTO), ITIS Holdings (OTCBB: ITHH), Investco Corp. (OTCBB: IVCO), Lair Holdings (OTC: LAIR), Lifeline BioTechnologies Inc. (OTC: LBTT), Life Energy & Technology (OTCBB: LETH), MBIA (NYSE: MBI);

Also, MegaMania Interactive (OTC: MNIA), MetaSource Group, Inc. (OTCBB: MTSR), (OTC: MIDS), Make Your Move (OTCBB: MKMV), Medinah Minerals (OTC: MDMN), MSM Jewelry Corp. (OTC: MSMC), Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: NPCT), Nutra Pharmaceutical (OTCBB: NPHC), Nutek (OTCBB: NUTK), Navigator Ventures (OTC: NVGV), Orbit E-Commerce, Inc. (OTCBB: OECI), Pitts & Spitts (OTC: PSPP), Sales OnLine Direct (OTCBB: PAID), Pacel Corp. (OTCBB: PACC), PayStar Corporation (OTC: PYST),Petrogen Corp. (OTCBB: PTGC), Pinnacle Business Management (OTC: PCBM), Premier Development & Investment, Inc. (OTCBB: PDVN),, Inc. (OTC: PRIM), Phlo Corporation (OTCBB: PHLC), Resourcing Solutions (OTC: RESG), Reed Holdings (OTC: RDHC), Rocky Mountain Energy Corp. (OTCBB: RMECE), RTIN Holdings (OTCBB: RTNHE), Saflink Corp. (NASDAQ: SFLK), Safe Travel Care (OTCBB: SFTVV), Sedona Corp. (OTCBB: SDNA);

Also, Sionix Corp. (OTCBB: SINX), Sonoran Energy (OTCBB: SNRN), Starmax Technologies (OTC: SMXIF), Storage Suites America (OTC: SSUA), Suncomm Technologies (OTC: STEH), Sports Resorts International (NASDAQ: SPRI), Technology Logistics (OTC: TLOS), Swiss Medica, Inc. (OTCBB: SWME), Ten Stix, Inc. (OTCBB: TNTI), Tidelands Oil (OTCBB: TIDE), Titan Construction (OTC: TTCS), Trezac Corp. (OTCBB: TRZAV), Universal Express, Inc. (OTCBB: USXP), Valesc Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: VLSHV), Vega Atlantic (OTCBB: VGAC), Viragen (AMEX: VRA), Viragen International (OTCBB: VGNI), Vista Continental Corporation, (OTCBB: VICC), Viva International (OTCBB: VIVI), Vtex Energy (OTCBB: VXENE) and Wizzard Software (OTCBB: WIZD), (OTC: WTSW) and Y3K Secure Enterprise Software, Inc. (OTCBB: YTHK).

Earlier in 2003, the SEC fined Rhino Advisors, Inc., $1 million for its representation of Amro International in the financing and manipulation of Sedona Corp. Amro, also known as AMRO, was registered in Panama, a secretive offshore haven, but was not named in the SEC settlement. Another 60 public companies may have been manipulated by the fined Rhino Advisors and its indicted principals, or its funding apparatus, Amro.
These include:

All American Food Group Inc (OTC: AAFGQ), Amanda Co Inc (OTC: AMNA), Antra Holdings (OTC: RECD), Aquis Communications Group Inc (OTCBB: AQUIS), Avanir Pharmaceuticals (AMEX: AVN), Bionutrics Inc (OTC: BNRX), Brilliant Digital Entertainment Inc (AMEX: BDE), Bravo! Foods International Corp. (OTCBB: BRVOE), Butler National Corp (NASDAQ: BUTL),Calypte Biomedical Corp (OTCBB: CYPT), Chemtrak Inc/DE (OTC: CMTR), Clicknsettle Com Inc (OTCBB: CLIK), Corporate Vision Inc (OTC: CVIA), Crown Laboratories Inc/DE (OTC: CLWB), Dental Medical Diagnostic Systems Inc (OTC: DMDS), Detour Media Group Inc (OTC: DTRM),
Also, Digital Privacy Inc/DE (OTC: DGPV), Senior Services Inc (OTC: DISS), International Inc (OTC: DYNX), Endovasc Ltd Inc (OTCBB: EVSC), Esynch Corp/CA (OTCBB: ESYN), Focus Enhancements Inc (NASDAQ: FSCE), Frederick Brewing Co (OTC: FRBW), Greystone Digital Technology Inc (OTC: GSTN), Havana Republic Inc/FL (OTCBB: HVNR), Henley Healthcare Inc (OTC: HENL), Hollywood Media Corp (NASDAQ: HOLL), Ibiz Technology Corp (OTCBB: IBZT), Diagnostic Systems Inc/FL (OTCBB: IMDS), Imaging Technologies (OTCBB: IMTO), Integrated Surgical Systems Inc (OTCBB: RDOC),

Also, Interferon Sciences Inc (OTC: IFSC), Interiors Inc (OTC: ITRNA), Laminaire Corp (OTC: THMZ), Medisys Technologies Inc (OTC: SCEP), Milestone Scientific Inc/NJ (AMEX: MS), Nevada Manhattan Group Inc (OTC: NVMH), Innovations Inc (OTCBB: NTGE),Systems Group (OTC: OSYM), Pacific Systems Control Technology Inc (OTCBB: PFSY), Professional Transportation Group Ltd Inc (OTC: TRUC), Rnethealth Inc (OTC: RNTT),

Also, Sand Technology Inc (NASDAQ: SNDT), Sedona Corp (OTCBB: SDNA), Silverado Foods Inc (OTC: SVFO), Stockgroup Information Systems (OTCBB: SWEB) Surgilight Inc (OTC: SRGL), Tasty Fries Inc (OTCBB: TFRY), Tech Laboratories Inc (OTCBB: TCHL), Teltran International Group Ltd (OTC: TLTG), Titan Motorcycle Co of America Inc (OTC: TMOTQ), Trans Energy Inc (OTCBB: TSRG), Motorcycle Co (OTC: UMCC), Universal Communication Systems Inc (OTCBB: UCSY), Medical Systems Inc (OTC: UMSI), Vianet Technologies Inc (OTC: VNTK),Viragen Inc (AMEX: VRA), Webcatalyst Inc (OTC: WBCL), Worldwide Wireless Networks Inc (OTCBB: WWWNQ), and ZAP (OTCBB: ZAPZ).
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