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Wednesday, 08/18/2004 12:59:40 PM

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:59:40 PM

Post# of 39
"MOSENERGO - MOSCOW REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF POWER SYSTEMMANAGEMENT" at the annual equator: stability to convert into the effectiveness

Herald of "Mosenergo - Moscow Regional Administration of Power SystemManagement", № 26 (235) of 13 August, 2004.
On 6 August took place the staff conference of company, on which were supplied the sums of the work OF JOINT STOCK COMPANY"Mosenergo - Moscow Regional Administration of Power SystemManagement" in 6 months of the present year. With the basic report came out the deputy chief engineer on theelectrotechnical part Vadim Zinakov.

The total of the half-year: the users of Moscow region were ensured by heat and electric powerfully, it is stable and without interruption, without the introduction of the graphs of limitations and turning offsfor lack of power.

Given in THE I half-year of 2004. they are brought in the comparison with the last year's indices duringthe same period.

Production and the consumption of energy and power

The working power of all power stations was 12375 MW. This on 585 MW is higher than the planned value and on 100 MW lowerthan the level of past year - as a result of the repair of chimneystack № 2 at GRES $$RTGR3S - State Regional Electric Power Plant -5. Planned working power they exceeded TETs-22 (71 MW), TETs-25 (68 MW), TETs-26 (65 MW), TETs-21 (60 MW), Gray (48 MW).

Power stations produced 36,7 billion kVt·ch of electric power, which is lower than the plan by 4,1 % and for 3,7 % lower than thelevel of past year because of unloading of equipment in accordancewith the tasks RDU.

Electric requirements of its own users relative to the current planand the level of past year increased respectively by 1,8 % and by 3,2%. Were stocked up 4 billion kVt·ch of electric power on the wholesalemarket.

Grew the consumption of electric power by commercial and budgetaryusers, by the electrified transport, by the reselling organizations of Moscow region. At the same time, industry and especially the population to consume of electric powerthey began less.

The losses of electric power were preserved practically at the lastyear's level. It was possible to attain the savings of 43,1 million kVt·ch, to what special measures contributed, carry ouied in electric-net branches:

- the transfer of loads and turning off of the unloaded transformers -11,0 million kVt·ch;

- reduction in the expenditure of electric power for its own needs ofnet substations - 26,3 million kVt·ch;

- the reconstruction of distribution networks - 5,8 million kVt·ch.

Dynamism in the development of the disregarded electric powerconducted energy-sale. By this branch it was carry ouied 1201 raids, and as a result are revealed 23,93 million kVt·ch of the disregardedelectric power. 532 additional raids were carry ouied together with electric-netbranches and S, are revealed 3,17 million kVt·ch of embezzlements and disregardedelectric power.

From the collectors of power stations it is tempered by 40,8 milliongcal of thermal energy, which is higher than the plan by 2,8 %. In comparison with the past year reduction in the heat distributioncomposed 6,8%, which is caused by the higher temperature of surrounding air. The useful leave to heat-energy in the pair and the hot water was 37,9million gcal, or to 8,5 %, it is less, than in the past year because of reduction in the consumption on allgroups, besides wholesale resellers and public utilities and amenities.

Fuel-use and the fuel-guarantee

The actual specific expenditures of fuel comprised for the productionof electric power 246,8 g/kVt·ch, to the calorification - 166,1 kg/Gcal with those planned, accordingly, 252,9 g/kVt·ch even 167,1 kg/Gcal. The specific expenditure of fuel for electric power was reduced on 1g/kVt·ch in essence because of an increase in the portion of electricenergy generation during the thermal consumption to 1 %, which is explained by regime factors. The specific fuel consumption grew, since the portion of central heating production (because of thereduction of thermal loads in the pair and the hot water) and averageelectrical loads (unloading equipment on the indication RDU) werereduced, but more than fuel began to be burnt.

Summary excessive fuel consumption because of the deviation from thestandard of primary technical and economic indices is absent, however, still there is a reserve of the vacuum, on the heat losses with the mechanical incomplete burning, on the unplanned launchings and the stops of equipment, overexpenditure on which comprises on 0,1 g/kVt·ch. On remaining primary TEP the excessive fuel consumptions are absent orare located on the level of the hundredth of gram. The savings 0.2 g/ is obtained according to the expenditures ofelectric power for its own needskVt·ch.


Like year ago, in JOINT STOCK COMPANY "Mosenergo - Moscow Regional Administration ofPower System Management" is not fixed major emergencies. Concerning incidents, that in their this year occurred less (3112 against 3532).

Increase in the incidents by 15,1%. it is observed only at power stations (90). This the so-called technological disturbances, and in essence they occurred because of the larger frequency of thesurface damages of heating in the boiler shops.

Indices on the thermal networks encourage. The calculation of incidents carried out employing new procedurerevealed sharp reduction in the unhappy situations - 18 against 221. To 16% less it occurred incidents in the electric brushes, to 2,8% V OF S.

One fire occurred in 6 months of 2004 in the power system. On 7 May on PS № 505 Beskudnikovo of main electrical networks becauseof the internal damage of the transformer TDGK of 10 kV № 8 there wasthe ejection of oil with subsequent burning of transformers DGK № 1and DGK № 8. Proved to be damaged the cables of second commutation, occurred turning off AT -6 from the gas shield. Fire they liquidated after half-hour, without disconnecting users.

At the same time, in the first half-year on the branches occurred 10 accidents against 4within the same period of past year. A sharp increase in the traumatism is caused, in particular, by the incident on 31 March, 2004, when into the maintenance crew of the cablemen OF MKER cut intopassenger automobile, driver of which did not manage control. It suffered 4 people.

The capital construction

Results OF THE I half-year on the capital construction are publishedin 24 numbers of "herald".

The most important tasks to the second half-year are:

- the replacement of the turbine № 29 on Gus -1 with a power of 12 MW;

- the modernization of turbine № 5 on TETs-20 with an increase in thepower on 25 MW;

- the padding 8,2 km of thermal networks;

- introduction PS anniversary into the southern electrical networks -80 thousand. kcVa and PS Chkalovsk with the approaches in the October electricalnetworks - 160 thousand. kcVa;

- the introduction Of businovskoy NPS.

Repair of the equipment

Within the framework of the preparation for thermo-mechanicalequipment for the load peak it is planned to repair (and partiallythis is already made) 14 power units, 26 energy boilers, 24 turbogenerators, 1 hydro-turbine, 15 peak hot-water boilers. The repair of auxiliary central heating equipment is produced.

The repair of electrotechnical equipment is conducted at the powerstations without the delays.

The innovation repair of heat-mains in the thermal networks isexecuted to 65,8% of the planned volume. The preparation of capital power system for the autumn-winter seasonassumes also the required testing of thermal routes. Hydraulic tests are today carry ouied and maintenance is more than1468 km of conduit - 66% of all thermal networks.

In the high-voltage and distribution networks plan with respect to theoperational servicing of networks, to innovation repair LEP substations it is carried out according toall indices.

In S the repairs of cable lines also occur according to the plan andit is very effective, which reflects the index of reduction in the summary about thepresence of the damaged cables per 344 units. Are substituted 138 overloaded transformers, rekonstruirovano 17 overloaded substations with the replacement by thetransformers of larger power.

In VKS on the cable lines 110 - 500 kV are executed 86 (of 150according to the plan) the repairs of lines, the having defect shells. Is finished the innovation repair of the aggregate of maslopodpitkiAPU № 3 C of 220 kV Sviblovo-Vladykino, Butyrki-Vladykino, is completed work on the innovation repair of collector"Tschaikovsky".

Wages and the regular service personnel

In THE I half-year in the industrial sector of power system wereoccupied 45046 man, including in the industrial-production sphere - 42071 man. Average monthly wages of personnel in the industry was 17893 rub, it grew by 13%.

On all branches of vyplacheny of reward on the sums of work in yr andfor the length of service. As a result of increasing the wages from 1 April, 2004, it waspossible to carry out tariff agreement in THE I half-year of 2004. Today the tariff rate of the worker of the first discharge isestablished in the amount of 1873 rub.

One should with the regret establish, that in the power system grows the fluidity of working personnel, in this case as the basic tasks in the work with the personnel to THEII half-year of 2004 they are considered an improvement in theselection of personnel, further strengthening of working and production discipline, the improvement of control system of personnel.

Prime cost, profit and the debts

In comparison with THE I half-year of 2003 the rise in price of primecost was 6,5 billion rub, or 21,1 %. The prime cost of electric power grew by 19,6 %, heat-energy to 23,8 %.

It is caused, first of all, with an increase in the expenditures for fuel- and on the remunerationfor labor, by an increase in the amortization, other material and cash expenditures, expenditures on the services TO JOINT STOCK COMPANY RAO THE "EES OFRUSSIA", JOINT STOCK COMPANY OF "FSK", JOINT STOCK COMPANY "SO- TSDU YEES", PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY "TSDR FOREM".

Expenditures for repair maintenance as a whole on JOINT STOCK COMPANYof "Mosenergo - Moscow Regional Administration of Power SystemManagement" were 6,9 billion rub, which composes 58,4% of annual plan.

The leave to the commodity production (without NDS) increased 45,6billion rub, which is caused by an increase in the sredneotpusknykh tariffs on theenergy and by an increase in the useful leave to electrical energy. To 6,3 billion rub. (16,8%) grew payment to energy.

Profit from sales was 7345,1 million rub, including from sales to electrical and thermal energy - 7276,7 millionrub.

Taking into account operating and extra-realization expenditures, profit to the taxation of society is equal to 872,5 million rub.

After the payment of tax to the profit and other required payments theloss of society was 285,2 million rub. At that time, as during the same period of 2003. the clean profit JOINT STOCK COMPANY of "Mosenergo - Moscow RegionalAdministration of Power System Management" was 1307,6 million rub.

Reduction in the clean profit is connected with an increase in the taxby the property because of the absence of affirmed up to now by thegovernment of the Russian Federation of enumeration l'gotiruyemogoproperty for calculating the tax, by the addition of the reserve of doubtful debts as a result of theinventory of debts, on which elapsed the period of limitation of actions and competitiveproduction is completed.

Debts of the users of electrical and thermal energy c by thecalculation of delivery on FOREM (without NDS) grew as a whole by 20 %(from 5,8 to 7,0 billion rubles). Predominantly this occurred due to an increase in debts of its ownusers of electric power, since the debts of the wholesale user- resellers of electric powerincreased, and also enterprises in industry and Defense Ministry.

But here the debts of the users of thermal energy was reduced sincethe beginning of the year by 63,6%.

The debts of the users of Moscow was reduced on 50,1 % due to thepay-off of debts of the users of thermal energy by 69 %. Debts of its own users for the electric power in this case grew by23,6%.

The debts of the users of Moscow region grew by 106,1%, including for the electric power - to 117,1%. Debts of the users of thermal energy was reduced by 7,8%.

Debts for the electrical energy in 6 months of the present yearpresented on FOREM was reduced from 595,3 million rubles to 564million rubles, or to 5,2%.

Reduction in the accounts payable of the society is observed on anumber of positions:

- for the fuel-, capital construction and operational-maintenance - to 4,2%;

- to the suppliers of fuel - to 27,6%, including to suppliers of gas to 58%;- on the capital construction - to 35%.

Increase in the debts for the operational-maintenance works to 101,7million rubles, or to 7,3 %, it is caused by an increase in the current debts using the innovationrepair and the materials in connection with the preparation of powersystem for the repair campaign.

Thus, before the society at the moment of the intersection of annual equatorit stands many tasks, among them and an increase in the economic effectiveness, and an improvement in the repair- reducing activity, and the solution of cadre problems. But the main thing to the second-half of year is traditionallypreparation for the forthcoming autumn-winter load peak. In this connection to the leaders of all levels it is necessary toorganize clear work in accordance with the planned targets, to strengthen quality control and with the periods of theirperformance, and also to strictly soblyudat' financial discipline.

Edward Poret
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