THREES: 545 people:
"Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible. They, and they alone, have the power."
I hate to say it, but that statement couldn't be wronger.
I'll tell you who is to blame - the same ones that have ALL the power - the American voter. They are to blame and they are getting what they deserve.
For decades we have been re-electing in these POSs. Why? Because they give us what we want! They steal from the future to satisfy our insatiable consumption. We wanted it and we got it. We just never wanted to have to face the consequences.
Of course, all 545 should be shot, however so should we. The bottom line is that it is our SOCIETY - not 545 people - that is in decline. No changing of the guard is going to make the slightest difference at this point... even IF it were possible, which it ISN'T.
That's our obituary. We wrote it. Future generations will read it.
Warren Buffet: 5 minutes and 17 seconds of pure, unadulterated, bulletproof, flawless logic.