Previously high wattage made eletrosurgery equipment
extremly hazardous both to the patient and to personnel.
As a result two decades ago the American Association of Gynecoloogical laparscopists (AAGL) developed voluntary
standards to prevent patient injuries these standards were registered in the Federal Register on February 26,1980
with the recommendation that the unipolar output power
to be limited to 1,200 volts and 100 watts at maximum generator output.
Depending upon the type of surgery the maximum output power power must be matched
I do not know what type of safety features are incorporated
in the LTC technology
Some malpracice insurance companies encourage electode monitoring technology to be used (AEM) made by Ericson
to enhance patinet safety and reduce electrosuegical risk
in laparscopic surgery. One such group is the State Volunteer
Mutyal Insurance company(SVMIC) of Bolder ,Colorado.
I hope Frand D'Amelio incorporated such safeguards
in the LTC system.
I notice that Valley Labs Ligasure vessel sealing unit
of Tyco can only seal up to 7mm while LTC can seal up
to 14MM
Does anyone esle have any other idea as to how our LTC technolgy has an advantage over the competeiion?
Like companies such as Conmed,Circon,Valleylab,Elmed,
and etc?