LOL!!! That was r-e-a-l-l-y prophetic! Good goin' Nick!!!
Hey, I wrote a request to the master chartists to update their 145 year (1850 to 1995) chart on the price of copper. Of course, copper has always been and excellent economic indicator for the economy. The chart is shaded vertically with the periods of recession/depression and certainly reflects recessionary periods after the price of copper peaks.
Having a one-on-one experience with the latest round of 'peak', history should repeat itself in short order.
If they update it, I will do my best to learn how to post it as it would be very interesting to study.
In the meantime, do you remember Cindy's white leather couches? Hruummmphhh... "we gots the brown version"... took a few years, but tractors & equipment come first. Cindy would be proud of me ! And, boy, am I happy camper!