To Bash or not to Bash that is the question? : I don't bash, I just see through the BS and let the general public know about it. : If I was a paid basher I would pay myself because I would short the stock on my own into the ground and never buy it back until after the R/S. : If I was a broker/dealer and felt like scamming the general public I'd just naked short a overvalued pinksheet that has alot of fluff PR's. : What's the point on pumping a stock when you can bash it and call out the companies BS. : Bashing should be called - You should have listened to me a year ago dumbass. "YSHLTMAYAD" Pronounced: (Ya-Sh-oul-T-imm-a-Ya-a-Da) Hey, Good luck like with that. Now in Arp Langauge YarpaSharpoulTarpimmarpaYarpaarpaDarpa Or just say this out loud until you understand it. O-WA-T-NA-S-IAM. <!--Beg_Sig-->