mr. mark,
Thanks, but that doesn't appear to be the problem, if there is a problem.
According to the manual, my motherboard can accept up to 512RAM(4X128) with SIMMs or 128Ram(2X64) with DIMMs(what I have).
In the Cache Memory section; the motherboard comes with512KB synchronous 3V Pipeline Burst SRAMs.(256KB is optional)
But, I find the last sentence in this paragraph interesting:"Since cache memory is from five to more than ten times faster than main memory, the CPU's access time is reduced, giving you better system performance."
I put this puter together from a package deal a local electronics store had and at the time of purchase the RAM sticks I put in was only limited by my pocket book.
I went with 32MB SIMMs.
I'm back to square one.........Why no obvious improvement with 128MB SDRAM DIMMs?
"Aim low Sheriff...They're ride'n snakes"
as usual...JMHO..SMD