I'd like to give you all a glimpse of where the coal mining industry is in today's world.
If you all remember, there were a number of bad accidents in the last 2-1/2 yrs involving mining. Some new laws have been added. The $ amount for the fines for non-compliance have almost tripled. Yet, we still are watching what this company is doing.
A friend of mine at another coal company (a BIG one) told me that he doubted that his company would ever open another mine themselves. This goes back to ENRON. Anyway, the coal company CEO mandated that, from the ENRON time forward, all new operations would only be considered with 3 qualified bids. That, my friends, takes a lot of time. And with a possible narrow window of opportunity, they could miss the boat. So, the stategy they then chose to follow was to search out and buy profitable operations, like Quest. Ones that are profitable now, and with an infusion of capital, could become even moreso.
All we need is for these guys to become profitable, and because of their product, and because of where they're located, they WILL be bought by one of the big guys. JMHO.