<<he had constructed a 16" tall ramp for his skateboard. Needless to say, that project got dismantled.>>
My son has been on me for months to build him such a ramp. One of the reasons (there were several) I kept putting it off was because of his mother's concern that it would be too dangerous -- some battles are just not worth fighting. Well, one of the neighbors just built an 18" ramp. I discovered this as I looked out the front window this morning and saw my son moving towards it on his skateboard. As he got to it, friction was obviously slowing him down. As he got to the top, he went off the other side and onto the pavement -- no big deal. Sometime he went over smoothly, sometimes not, but he was never moving quickly enough for it to have been a big deal even if he fell. Of course, the helmet provides an extra measure of protection. I could not resist the temptation to call his mother to the window. She gasped the first couple of times (as I chuckled), but then got over it.
All-in-all, riding a bicycle is much more dangerous -- it is faster and higher. I now wish I had built him the ramp months ago. As for his mother's fear, some battles are still not worth fighting.
Those who shoot from the hip usually end up just shooting themselves.
Plan the grub and grub the plan.
Where is the party tonight? Who is bringng the drinks?