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Re: None

Thursday, 06/05/2008 10:18:32 AM

Thursday, June 05, 2008 10:18:32 AM

Post# of 111214
Here is a writeup of one UK rally participant. The part i bolded below pretty much sums up the product EIGH offers, and the growing brand of EIGH going forward:

What a weekend, started off with a nice drove over to the old Trafford premier inn at about 5:30pm suited and booted ready for a big weekend, straight to the hotel bar for a few coronas along with the mandatory sambuca chaser! had a chat with all the guys and girls, then straight into the Robin Hood taxis! who take from the rich but seemingly definitely do not give to the poor! b$%&ds haha

Straight into the Red door where we met Phil our American best friend for the night, purely because he crossed our palms with many a bottle of vino!, then after a few fag stops and many drinks later, we proceeded through the adjoining doors to the ...Gentleman’s Club, where we enjoyed a bottle of Don Perignon courtesy of ma man Steve, straight over to the VIP corner and............ Several hours later....... taxi ride home, again by robbing hood who took us the longest possible way back to the hotel, where we all started the real drinking!!!!!

It was 2:30am and the boys and girls were in the hotel bar demanding drink! Sadly the bar staff declined and someone had to jump in a taxi to replenish the booze! That would be me! ,.....after a good chat with the cabbie and £35 of bills finest English pounds! We were supping my vodka and bills beer until about 4am when we met the sound lads with the triple axeled hummers! ( I chatted to him all weekend, any1 know the names??) and after showing us round the stretched Hum, bill showed us the Gunmetal Gallardo, proceeding to wake every1 in Manchester up with about 8000 revs of Italian bull!

Back to the hotel lobby/bar and after everyone polished off a whole bottle of Jack Dee!!!!!! we were told by the very patient porter, ' look guys, its now nearly half seven, the boss will be here any minute and you need to move the cans and spirit bottles, because i will get fired' so as requested i hid them all behind the settee!

more drinking etc and after the newspaper man and many guests came down and left with suitcases we all realised we had about half an hour to get ready before breakfast and the drivers briefing! Sh1t!!! ....i went back to the room to find for the first time in my life my dad was the one who went to bed at 2ish and i was the one strolling in at breakfast time! haha, no time for shower, suit off! shorts, vest and Philippe flops on and straight over the exec suite at the old trafford stand where i had to make the important i stop drinking now, have breakfast! sleep in the car on the way to Brighton OR do i carry on drinking, think eating is cheating and have no sleep and carry on the party?!?!

Decision made!!!!!!!! can of Chilled Fosters back in hand courtesy of the lads fridge in the RangeRover sport!! ( you fellas were saviours! supplying me with countless beers throughout the day) it was now about 9:30am and the briefing was about to start, some of the lap dancers from the night before had arrived to flag wave! and i was stood there with some of the lads, not too far away was Will Mellor ( Gaz from 2 pints) who was surprisingly anti-social! which didn’t surprise! and after trying to listen to what Conrad was saying in the briefing we all departed to start the engines!....and then it started to rain! Not a problem, MY beer jacket was waterproof! Although, the lads in the 911 turbo gave me a pak'a'mak poncho thing, and i was sorted! .........looking like a rent boy in shorts, vest, white flip flops a see through pakmak and my beer! i ran and danced my way through the puddles chatting with you lot! also making Steve have his window down in his f430 and by the time i had stopped talking the inside door card was drenched! nice! haha

everyone was dying to set off and all i remember was standing in a puddle, listening to about 50 people in v8's , v10's v12's, turbo 2.0 litres and a brabus smart alllllll hit the redline in frustration! geeky idea of heaven.....although kelly brook didn’t appear frown haha

route cards in hand, we all set off, some getting lost, others (US) stopping in the middle or traffic to let me have a p1ss by the side of the road! i just couldn’t wait till Blenheim Palace! back on the road and as the sun started to shine we stopped at the services along with most of the other Cannonballers for a catch up, KFC fillet tower burger and a toilet stop and we were all stood outside with coffee in hand.....apart from me, who preferred another cold beer, as i led flat out on the pavement, the ITV filming crew stook the camera in my face and demanded a 2 minute chat about the rally so far! ( i hoping not, but this may be viewable on the telly in July!haha ) back on the road and after another fill up at the station with fuel that costs more than alcohol, litre for litre we set of to Blenheim Palace and i believe i had my first 15 minute sleep of the last 30 hours!

We arrived at the Palace! And even though i was Tipsy and unbelievably Tired, that place was amazing!!!!!!! The grounds were massive! so everyone was sat on the grass, hot weather, bag of crisps and a Beer courtesy of Rolo in the Cayman! and we back on the road! now drinking Strongbow which i had to trek to the Palace cafe for!

As we made our way out of the grounds we had a bit of a blast for a about 10 miles with Rolo in the Cayman and Bill in the Gallardo! we kept up through every roundabout and bend but the other guys pulled away slightly on the straights! (Gallardo obviously not pushing it to much otherwise he would have been gone)

We arrive in Brighton and after being filmed by the sound lads in the Q7 4.2tdi flying under the long tunnels/ bridges on the way to the front, we arrived in the sun at the Grande hotel , where we got chequered flagged in and were the 2nd car to arrive, loadsa random Brighton'ers were stood by to see us all roll in! car parked in the special cannonballers car park! we made our way to the lobby, and courtesy of the fella's from Budweiser! there was a table of bud's all on ice!!!!! 3 beers later, all chased by sambuca's that cost just short of £6 each!!!!!!!!!! we quickly went back to the room and got dressed for the nightshift!

few more beers at the hotel and the off the the beach party! on our walk there seeing some of the strangest people and little busking bands ever! very surreal!

food and free drink at the venue, NONE of which we had because we didn’t know! haha and we all sat outside drinking and chatting for hours until it came to kicking out time and we all went back to the hotel bar to carry on the party, i went out for a fag at one point and met the fella who owned the camera car Q7 4.2tdi and he also had the big dodge truck with the viper engine, he chucked me the keys and said fire it up, so im sat in a v10 truck, drunk, exhausted but buzzing my t1ts off, revving a v10 viper engine to the redline at about 5:30am on a Monday morning! amazing!

we all went back to the bar and you guessed it, carried on consuming drink etc until the porter said the bar will be closing! we complained but it was around 6:30 in the morning and they needed to serve breakfast for the normal guests! haha so we took some spare beer up to the rooms and about we had some how accumulated a group of about 10 of us in our room! drink drink and more drink and running around the hotel! for me my body could take no more!!!!! no amount of alcohol or anything would keep me awake any longer, so i hit the sack for about the remaining 2-3 hours before i got up, cold shower, and we all slowly gathered in the lobby to say our goodbyes!

the journey back from Brighton should have taken about 4 hours! but it took about 6 and a half!!!!!! worst journey of our lives, stuck in dead traffic on the M6 for 2 hours! and i was driving! and in an old Ferrari with the heaviest and longest clutch in the world! stopping and starting about 500 times in a boiling hot car with no air con isnt pleasant! im now writing this after having about 13 hours sleep!


i have had one of, if not THE best weekends of my life! for some of you guys and girls it is a lifestyle thing as the cannonball brand name says! but for me it was an opportunity i had to make the most of! and i think everyone agrees i did! i met some fantastic people and had a proper laugh

i hope everyone has pictures and videos, and if any of you have Facebook accounts! add me! Email is: Ben Morton Group: Manchester

Or drop me a text: 07791738830