Trades, The truth of the matter is you made a choice to ride this down. I and those that I knew invested here rode this down below our initial investment, some way down. I know I sold to preserve my capital as that is the most important thing in investing. It had absolutely nothing to do with FAITH. If I had been on the Titanic I would have had faith that it wouldn't sink but you can bet your butt I'd have been looking for anything I could get my hands on that would float just in case. RXPC was no different, I truly believed it was going to go but when reality told me differently, I made the best choice at the time. My only regret is that I didn't make it sooner.
As for RXPC Inc, you can take it to the bank I will be involved in any way I can when the time is right. Peter has admitted to making mistakes but he is determined and focused to make this go. It is all about funding and if/when he gets it together, this will be a winner, imo.