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Alias Born 12/05/2003

Re: None

Tuesday, 02/03/2004 1:53:55 AM

Tuesday, February 03, 2004 1:53:55 AM

Post# of 36790
Recap and very interesting ,,You should read and live by ..
By: burlaptocashmer
31 Jan 2004, 06:09 PM EST Msg. 54337 of 56656
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A Retrospect Of Last Years Stock Holder Addresses:

April 5. 2003 Saturday: FIRST QUARTER

"Substrates samples were being sent out to grinding houses for evaluation."

The Cetek "Process" is all about producing a ceramic substrate WITHOUT microfissures.Grinding houses are in business to remove these flaws. To produce a substrate without microfissures would put us on the map in the ceramic world. To send them out to "finishing houses" was to get them to validate our capacity and to let them potentially know WE ARE GOING TO ROCK YOUR WORLD soon.

"Analysis of feedback is in progress"

I Believe that Alfred University played a role here. Dr. Earl, is a ceramics expert faculty member there, and has done consulting with MOT AND CTKH...interesting. You might find his paper: "Cordierite Honeycomb Structures Formed By Reduction Extrusions Processing" and interesting read? Was this a report on what was being done at CETEK as it relates to their potential money making "Process" ... interesting potential tie in? And for all you "pink" stock bashers that say we are only a "smoke and mirrors" company, we have the information to prove WORLD CLASS R&D is going on!!!!! And an impressive list of PHD's from their last SEC report they filed.

What else happened in Q1?

An INCREASE in the size of their ceramic plates to 12 inches.Hilal writes:"...this size plate was significant, as it is the largest size that the industry has YET to build."

Remember they have just begun to build them this size and it is VERY difficult to be consistent. NO ONE has done this yet...emphasis on N-O-B-O-D-Y! Why do we care? Well, we are working towards, among other applications, Big...B-I-G (CNT-carbon NANO Tube) displays that will show tomorrow's Superbowl Game on your entire living room wall! But we are just beginning here and so for now it is only (ha) 12 inches. Remember the furnace here is the key to building larger substrates but nobody has this type of furnace...or do they? OK, let's move on and as we do, keep looking for developments and follow through on Hilal business plan.

Hilal goes on to talk about marketing our ideas here for the first time. He is working on getting the word out and look what happens:

WOW. Now we read that we are going to build a unique furnace and not only that but an INTERNATIONAL company has heard about our little Poughkeepsie venture and is giving us a contract! Nice marketing Hilal and fast too! Do ya think this British Firm would waste their money without doing research that we are the only ones capable of doing the work. Man, we must really have a "unique process" to get them to come all the way over here to find little 'ol us. I wonder if Cetek can deliver the goods and if this British company will like it and if this means we will now have an INTERNATIONAL reach? Not bad for a subpenny stock! Oh wait there's more... " This program is long term and several units are to be built." We shall see...?

One last little tid bit at the end of this Q1 that is amusing for a subpenny:

"...if our plans are successfully met, we should be able to show a profit in 2003."

A WHAT... PROFIT? Interesting. This company has been in business since the early to mid 90s, I believe, and they have never talked about ever making a profit. Hmmmm. I wonder if this will happen? Let's read on...

July 30, 2003 SECOND QUARTER Address:

In this report we see right off that we have generated revenues! So we are now making money? (Remember the Q1 statement about profit? is something happening to make get us beyond debt?) Interesting, cause again in the last known SEC filing they stated that to date no income had been EVER generated from the CETEK "PROCESS." Baby steps...

Hilal writes:

"Revenues were 223% higher than the same period last year"

Interesting, revenues from what? Let's look further...

Hilal gives more details on his business plan: Oh, by the way, this is the SAME business plan he has been working on since the early to mid 90s-he has NEVER wavered-he is a man possesed!

He writes:

"Production of the 12 inch substrate has taken off..."

WOW, I like that "taken off" part, kind of sounds like another comment we have reportedly heard recently... "Better Then You Can Imagine" but I digress.

OK, back in Q1 we were just experimenting with this 12 inch size substrate BUT in Q2 we go into "production" of this substrate. More baby steps...

Also from the report:

"Yield is improving"

Remember this is very difficult to perfect and we are now getting better and better at this process through our R&D.

He also now mentions the "C" word: CUSTOMERS! Is this where we are getting revenues from?

"Our customers are indicating special interest in the Cetek's large-size substrates and its unique properties."

So we learn here that word is spreading now and that our tiny company has a "Hot" large area SMOOTH ceramic display substrate that could help customers make a really big display. Wonder who these "customers" are? For additional DD search under "Sintering wide area ceramic thin film substrates."

In this Q report Hilal also states he needs money and hints towards shopping for financing. Class A commons are also mentioned to help build equipment for further development of the plan. Money, as in an emerging company, is becoming an issue and Hilal is really needing cash to do cutting edge R&D.

"Notwithstanding the delay in financing..." Were they working on deals with third part financial companies? Hilal pushes on...

"Notwithstanding the delay in financing, several pieces of equipment, as well as certain jigs and fixtures, are being built."

I think it is very exciting that not only are we doing cutting edge research in a unique ceramic field but we also have the capacity to MAKE OUR OWN equipment-talk about a talent pool. All this and we are a sub penny ... unbelievable!!!! But again I digress.

At the end of Q2 we read of a "share holders meeting" hmmmm.

Why hold a share holders meeting if, as some have bashed here, they are not even a real company? I find it ironic that it was originally held at the Stardust hotel in Vegas ha.

October 27th 2003 THIRD QUARTER Address:

OK, third quarter has now been completed and it is only 4 months since the last report. Are we still working the plan?

Right off the bat our CEO states:

"Substantial progress has been made on all fronts over the most resent quarterly period."

Again I like the word "Substantial" I am getting the read, from between the lines now, that Hilal is getting excited but this might just be my bias."

Let's review once again what they were last working on in Q2:

1. Actual reference to generating money at 223% increase year to date.
2. A consistent 12 inch substrate with growing yields (more of them being made but still need a lot more before they can be considered seriously).
3. Customers were mentioned and a beginning demand for these substrates.
4. Cycle times (production) was being limited by lack of equipment. BUT an additional furnace was mentioned to help in the speed of this production AND this furnace was being built in house to save money. (Shows me a company that is resourceful, prudent and competently staffed). Again, we are a SUB PENNY operation.
5. Trying to secure funding for Flat Panel Displays and Hilal implied that he was looking for deals but it was slow going during this quarter. Might I mention it was slow going for the ENTRIRE economy during this time and the fact that they are fighting to make a dollar is just amazing.
6. First share holders meeting announced. Time to do a little show and tell and generate some "buzz" with investors.

So far very encouraging in that we have made "SUBSTANTIAL" progress,according to Hilal, in all of the above. More baby steps ... wow. Is it safe to say now that we have learned that we have invested in one hard working CEO and company. Again, may I remind you this is a SUB PENNY stock. It is real and has all of this going for it in the NANO sector. But wait ... some have bashed that they are only a machine shop and are NOT a nano play. Let's see if we get greater clarity on this issue?

OK, we continue to read that they indeed had the August shareholders meeting and that the company has reelected officials and directors. I do not know who all sits now as directors but according to my DD in 1999 they had 9 members with 3 PHD's!!!! You can read about them in my past DD reports here. Did they reelect these same scientists? Tell me, if you had a PHD would you work for a "Smoke and Mirror" stock that had nothing going for it other then printing shares ... would you throw away 12-15 years of school not to mention your reputation. I don't think so! FYI: The success of this and any R&D company is in the quality of their "Brain Trust." In this case we are at a point where "Brain Power" is the highest power needed to continue our efforts and grow pps.

These share holders saw actual substrates and heard from management concerning a : "...wide range of subjects including an industry overview, some technical discussion." They also talked about the business plan ... could this have included talk about a financing deal? In the last report money was the key and in this report Hilal says they made substantial progress. What deal(s) were they working on?

Mention is now made of a share buy back plan. Is this just a fluff PR? Why do they not mention specifics times and amounts? We can only hope that more info. is shared in upcoming reports. Hey, don't companies do buy back plans to improve financial deals with third party lenders? hmmmmm. One last thing about this share holder meeting:

FYI: From what I have learned concerning this shareholders meeting 6 people came to that first meeting, one from Brazil. Two post on RB every once in a while and the amount of shares they own would cause your head to spin. At this meeting did Hilal shared some "amazing" info. that has kept everyone that came to Vegas more then confident in their investment? I think they know what they have and are biding time here with a somewhat amusing detachment as many here flip and swing and bash something few have little clue of and it's ultimate worth. Follow the money people...they are holding all there shares... will you?

OK, for all the NANO doubters that say we have no involvement in this explosive sector we have the first reference with the word NANO: " Nano Particles and Flat Panel Displays." Exciting! But Hilal states they only have "modest activity" so far in securing funding for this field. More baby steps...

January 30,2004 FOURTH QUARTER Address:

Does the business plan continue? Have we made any progress? We all were expecting the moon shot and our expectations were so high. Some sold off thinking it was empty but was it really? In light of the entire year was this not further confirmation of what an amazing stock this is turning into? Let's dig alittle deeper:

We have in the opening sentence something that is nothing short of AWESOME for a sub penny. CETEK "...reports that the fourth quarter of 2003 was the first profitable quarter in over 4 years." WE MADE A PROFIT and we trade @ .0060?????? Unreal!

PEOPLE do you appreciate what this means? It should easily take us to penny land alone. A profit from all the above mentioned work. If you were a workaholic CEO that lived and breathed this company for years and had to R&D on a shoe string in a little hole in the wall shop in Poughkeepsie with nagging share holders all the time calling and wanting "details" and you turned a profit for the first time in 4 agonizing, back breaking, everyone doubting you and naked shorting you YEARS!!! ... Is it any wonder you would not think this statement" better then imagined"???? I am proud to hold this issue.

It gets better...183% better. " Revenues for the year 2003 were 185% higher than the year 2002." The baby steps are picking up...

The next thing that Hilal announces is an OFFICAL connection with the Bush Nano Bill. (That's a fund with $4 billion in appropriations.) Could it be that if you read between the lines and place the timing of this address that a deal is very close to getting some of this governmental funding?

THESE ARE JUST MY VIEWS but why mention this at the top of the most anticipated PR in the history of this company? We all know about this news already so why mention CETEK and BUSH right at the top of your report? is also the largest paragraph in a short report. What would happen to our pps if government funding was in the works but it was not able to be finalized in time for this report...dare to dream.

What else about this interesting paragraph?

The other thing this does is forever kill the "Cetek is not a Nano play" bashing. Again, have you researched any Nano stocks with a pps of .0060? This alone will be huge for us as "Nano" is spreading like wildfire in the investment world. The best part is, the higher our price the more serious investment dollars will come our way. People, we are part of the mythical ground floor or a real company that has something to offer the most explosive sector in modern history. As many major financial journals have already commented: ...this is far bigger then the internet explosion WITHOUT the bubble!

But it gets better:

Remember the furnace is the "womb" of our CETEK PROCESS:

OK, in the last year Q's we went for talk about a furnace to building a proto type to marketing a product to getting at least one customer in the UK to multiple long term orders. Is that progress or what? ALL IN A YEAR! But did we deliever on this promise? Did we come through in our business plan? Did we make the furnace? In my DD I saw pictures from the plant. Many of you have seen them too. There is a post on the yahoo BB board and not just one either! We know that they made 50k profit per unit. They have several new clients maybe someone in Ohio and the state of New York is involved somehow in this work. Read the last SEC filing they did. We were working with NY officals in that they provided the funding and we were going to pay them a royalty. Read about it in my past posts. Very cool stuff. Do you think the state of New York would partner with a SUB PENNY stock. Well, they did!

So again I ask have we made any progress here? Are the pieces fitting together? Is this really another great report? Let's continue to read:

Hilal writes in Q4: "LARGER (emphasis added) sintering furnaces,in the ceramic area, WILL come on line the first quarter of 2004." OK, this is huge. Todate we owned the attention of companies like MOT (yes, I know the deal is not current any longer with but deals can be redone in a heart beat.) WHY? Because we had the only substrate that worked for them and it was the largest at 12 inches. Now we see that a LARGER furnace is coming online. And this furnace increases the capacity by "threefold." Why do we need a threefold capacity increase? Are we gearing up for bigger demands on our ceramic work? Does this mean a larger then 12 inch substrate. WE KNOW IT HAS TO MEAN MORE PROFIT DOLLARS FOR THE LARGER UNITS!!!

How about our clients:

Well, we ARE delivering on all we said we could do. "Shipments on Schedule."

How about the British client. Did they like what we built them in the past- not years but months- did it meet their expectations?

From the Q4 report:

"Cetek's primary customer from England, for whom we are building special furnace(S), has ISSUED Cetek Technologies MORE orders for the LARGE furnace(S). This product has GENERATED STRONG DEMAND in the United States and overseas. SUBSTANTIAL sales for this product line are expected throughout 2004 and INTO 2005.

WOW! This is chock full of PPS rising kind of stuff. We know the "British Firm," from past information, is a huge player over there. They not only liked the work we did but ordered more then one original furnace$. THEN they issued (as in checks) orders for our NEW ENLARGED furnace we built$$. Not just them but we are now generating "strong demand" in the United States as well$$$. And they must be good as we now have SUBSTANCIAL sales for this "PRODUCT LINE" a subpenny with a product line. Ya got to love that! Oh and not just last year but strong demand for this whole year AND INTO 2005!!!!

Now do you think that will effect our pps?

Wait there's more.

We now have offical word that the mythical buyback has begun and it is continuing for the benifit of Hilal and his stock holders.

Sometimes the big picture need to be viewed in small snap shots. That's exactly what Hilal has done in each of these Q "Addresses" and the picture is awesome! A we are just a SUB PENNY STOCK!!!! Not for long.

The above is IMHO and each investor should do his or her own DD. Pink sheet stocks are very risky.
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