Good Luck DB..I may give one or two of them a shot..
Lately though, they're faking me off bad..kind of a not so hot day for me..
Four that will definately go up tomorrow..LOL..because I took loss and bailed today are:
XYNY,SBIO,PRL,FGWC..relatively small monetary losses compared to what some call a 'loss'..(mainly cause I only had probably $500 worth of each anyways)..
Sooo..I gave buying 'a basket full of stocks' a shot..
& based on todays action..I don't know if I'm 'ready' for that yet or not..
I think I'd rather go whole hog with just one or two..that is what I've been used to doing..
I can monitor and make better choices so it seems..
They're talking about ATNG I got into today could have the potential to be another AGIS..a one day miracle 2000% gainer.. know me though..Up 20% and I'd probably sell. I need to quit doing that..quite a few of my biggest gainers this year was when I wasn't watching the computer.
My posts my opinion only, make your own financial decisions.