24601 & Rachelelise,
We had a short discussion re: revenues and price predictions a few weeks ago. At the time there was some confusion concerning recurring vs. one-time revenues in the models you were proposing. I proposed that there was a recurring model available based on ongoing services that may not have been taken into account in your models which I otherwise find quite interesting. Reviewing the CC I'm sure you both noted the following, but I'll repost it here nevertheless. You may wish to eventually rework your models with this info from SKS: "The understanding of what ultimately the business model will be on that, how that business model that we've articulated to them ultimately gets adopted and how it is scaled, I think we'll begin to have better picture on over the course of the next four to six months. And ultimately that drives a much larger scale of revenue. We make $.50 or a dollar per platform for bundled software, we believe we can make 20 or $30 a year off of the services relationship with an end user desktop. So obviously, what percentage of the market takes and needs those kinds services, how we protect that kind of economic and revenue stream, is going to be very important to the company. One of our next major goals is to really establish that less as theory and more as fact. And I think we're well on the path to do that. And we're going to do that hand-in-hand with our major customers who are helping us take and promote these products to market."
Say, $20-30/year in the enterprise arena and who knows what eventually for the consumer and the figures change dramatically. The advantage of the cumulative effect of deployment on revenue would be quite remarkable, indeed!