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Alias Born 04/22/2010

Re: More Belgians post# 213460

Sunday, 03/23/2025 9:21:56 AM

Sunday, March 23, 2025 9:21:56 AM

Post# of 213838
Nice work, and very interesting.  The stock market looks forward, AI created enough demand that Lightwave can justify helping 10-20 other companies do what they do best, give them what they have already learned about devices, sell perkinamine and earn royalties on each device going forward. The price will adjust in advance of those anticipated revenues. Remember that until now Silicon Phonics was able to keep up but no more.  And as Jenson pointed out going forward power requirements will limit the amount of AI that a Factory (data center) can produce and everytime you save power you can add another GPU and generate tokens.  Pretty basic when you look at it like that.
Whoever found and managed to add Yves to the board is to be commended.  Yves is a been there done that and has a T-shirt with logos of all the customers he has dealt with.  He is very methodical.

Again thanks for your work, Walter and Safecapitals effort.

Have a good day.

X. Folks look out the windshield to the sunrise not in the rear back up camera.
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