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Alias Born 02/11/2008

Re: None

Wednesday, 03/12/2025 8:54:32 PM

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 8:54:32 PM

Post# of 24340
More and more the rumors might have been maybe true that Michael O'Shea was the patsy for Joe Pignatiello and Xcelerate Inc?

Remember how pissed these con artist 3rd party promoters were when shareholders found out Joe was running marketing for XCRT?

Remember how pissed shareholders were when they found out Mike was still practicing full time accounting when he was supposed to be running Xcelerate?

And now the silence of Mike since Joe's death in December?

Did Joe lead notes on how to run a shell? Who to contact for shareholders updates? Who to contact about PRs?

It's almost like if Mike doesn't know how to operate XCRT at all?

Recent actions are troubling and Mike's silence is deafening?


Everything I post, is In my own opinion, I don't care what you think about it, if you disagree, post it like I do. If you buy or sell stock based on what I say, your a lunatic and should not be trading. Have a great day!

-0.00005 (-0.19%)
Volume: 42,226
Day Range: 0.0203 - 0.0269
Bid: 0.0205
Ask: 0.0277
Last Trade Time: 3:56:09 PM EDT
Total Trades: 13
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