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Alias Born 06/15/2014

Re: Number sleven post# 430970

Wednesday, 11/27/2024 8:08:37 AM

Wednesday, November 27, 2024 8:08:37 AM

Post# of 431877
Sleven, I don't believe speculating in the stock market with that cash is an example of a company's fiduciary duty. Now, acquiring an asset that was accretive would make some sense, as along as it is in their bailiwick. It is clear that by the great reductions in expenses over the last couple of years that the company is concerned about conserving cash. And one can see why. The great margin business once here in the US is gone and uptake of V in ROW is slooooow. Do you lock your cash into some investment that is difficult to liquidate quickly if needed? So yes, maybe they could do something with their cash that could generate some additional revenue but I doubt taking flyers on GameStop like things would be responsible and within their fiduciary duties to the shareholders.
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