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Alias Born 06/15/2014

Re: Nukemtiltheyglow post# 430905

Monday, 11/25/2024 12:18:04 PM

Monday, November 25, 2024 12:18:04 PM

Post# of 431879
Just for information purposes, in my most recent GV script the caps just have a big 1000 stamped on the capsules. 

It wasn't totally clear to me but the Mfr by Amarin that North referred to may have been on some paperwork the pharmacy gave out and it could just be either their screw up or they only had the drug info on a sheet meant for brand and didn't have one for the generic so they just substituted.  Either way this all sucks because our system is so stupid and gamed by everyone.  Years to get patents and then you have spend years in court to enforce them and even then the court does not go directly to the source (USPTO) to verify. Nuts
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