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Re: fung_derf post# 410

Tuesday, 09/17/2024 5:15:17 PM

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 5:15:17 PM

Post# of 654
Derf, >> CELH <<

I only have 9 shares, so not a big commitment :o) Most of my individual stock positions are in the $300 - $1000 range, so minimal sleep is lost. I do have a lot of them though, over 200 individual stocks (link below) -

Portfolio by Market Cap -

These are meant to be held long term, and are balanced by the S+P 500 ETF which can be sold quickly if necessary. Currently a 30% stock allocation, split 1/2 in individual stocks and 1/2 in the S+P 500. I figure if things really start to unravel, the S+P 500 can be sold, and it's possible to hedge the long individual stock position with a 1X short ETF like SH. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but it's comforting to have it as an option if things really start falling apart ala 2008 or 2020.

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