SMCI filed notice to review internal controls closer after hindenburg launched the short attack on them... hindenburg was already likely betting on some delay as the new auditor for the 10K should be more diligent... SMCI 8-K gave no changes to stated numbers presented for 2024 already... Wouldn't you check your drawers if someone behind you said that they noticed a stain on your rear?... So far it seems logical... Wall street has had a day for more PUT buyers after the hindenburg report broke and are now positioned for weakness... Now they are all cautioning on Hold until the 10K is filed... So they will win with price drop along with hindenburg winning even more... We know we watch a manipulated field... play the put like circus leaders are saying to do, while loading any cheap shares... why would we buy now?...when all the pros say HOLD?... Charles of SMCI just seems fairly liked across the bigger tech sector field... Jenson of NVDA laughs and admits that SMCI has helped them make more money... Seems like the tech sector will ban together against an attack on a company that is integrated into the revenue cycle already... sales should be okay, could get better... Very tight margin for error from booking orders for Ai and shipping them to allow booking revenue is present right now... SMCI CC detailed about $800 million of revenue for 4th quarter was pushed into current 1st quarter because of component delays to allow shipping,,,Big Ai DLC Rack System that SMCI is selling weighs almost 3,000 lbs. and has about 600,000 different parts in each one, a shortage of certain parts slows completion of the rack... and they reduced margins because parts were already expensed for those systems still in inventory still only needing certain parts... That type detailed admission doesn't sound like a company trying to hedge ahead on numbers in the books to me... Call me a nut, I'll answer... around minute 25 in video starts detailing SMCI big Ai rack system... None of the big tech companies want any hitch in their revenue targets... Which could move the sector down together... Tech is smarter and more integrated than Wall Street likes or gives them credit for... Many bashers of SMCI are tagging NVDA as next to be picked on... Hello, U.S. Dollar, the Gov't doesn't want NVDA to sell any T-bill holdings that they hold if short attacks progress more... hindenburg would have been hung in India by their regulators after the short attack there if they could have got hands on him... or still be inside looking out... that is who you are dealing with that caused such a bad stir in tech land... And it is a U.S. economy and job problem until SMCI completes 10K filing... Who you choose to root for is a totally personal choice... don't forget that PUT option... So we watch...LJ