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Re: ap17 post# 60221

Tuesday, 07/30/2024 2:19:57 PM

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 2:19:57 PM

Post# of 63152
AP17 is correct.

For those out there who might be suckered by the BS being spewed about miners being shut down, you can always search for an active chart of the Bitcoin hash rate. This shows actual proof that miners are NOT shutting down. The hash rate is shown daily which equates to the total computing power on the entire worldwide Bitcoin network (mining bitcoin). It does fluctuate based on new machines being turned up and older, less efficient machines being turned down. Price also comes into play as more older machines get turned back on when the price rises as long as the net return mined is greater than the electric cost. There are many other factors that play in world wide but it all adds up to the entire hash rate across the not flat, planet. Some large mining farms are run in conjunction with power plants where the mining operations are credited to use electric power in low use times to even the demands with power production. Example in Texas where by mining operations working directly with utilities smooths out the power consumption and therefore there is less "flaring". Talk about a win, win. Better on the environment and lower cost power to all consumers.

I personally run multiple mining operations but also have connections to very large operations and I can personally confirm, miners are not getting shut down.
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