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We should be heading up to $12 - $13 this year at min.
Can you imagine how low the Democrats approval rating would be, if we had a fair and balanced media in this country? They would be in the single digits.
It's lower than that, I'd bet my house on it.
DEMS ARE the party of VIOLENCE!
51:00 mark
Polls show DEMS at 29%, lowest ever in recorded history. It's over. What do they do when their backs are up against the wall? Bomb Tesla dealerships as called for by Maxine Waters, Jasmine Crockett, Jamie Raskin.
they never needed anyone, especially a government that is 35 Trillion in debt themselves. Incompetence to the max. GSEs are better off completely separated from a government that does not make a profit, never makes a profit, never balanced the books, and only leeches and steals from others who do make a profit.
Good morning Trunk, I agree with your assessment other than the IPO,… even if the outcome is theft of the warrants with all the retained capital no reason for a secondary capital raise selling shareholder equity. The earnings power of the businesses can easily float a line of credit in the open market AND far less expensive than the 10% gov ripoff. I would go so far as to say the companies would never ever need to make a draw on funds…
getting closer every day, Trump could not risk an executive order until Treasury and Directors are in place. HUD FHFA and Treasury will be making many changes. cleaning house to eliminate opposition is always first. once complete, then exec order, then release plans, then release with consent if then dont bring down requirements to say normal or 2.5%. Consent or not, the warrants are huge issue, we all know they are illegal, we all know Trump wants to put GSE stocks into reserve. we all know the best way is cancel everything, work out a consent decree with stock options, that can be converted to commons for this decree, which would give them ability to support GSEs if needed in the future. Very Simple. we have stock options to make us lots of money, back by selling commons if the companies are becoming risky. no risk, less shares in float. secondary IPO should be at least 42$.
Don't have a hissy fit and start hitting yourself coz you weren't included in the mentally challenged group, you are the poster ccccchild.
Imagine how close We would be towards release if the President’s attention was on the boarder issues(s).
Looking forward to a great week with Director Pulte (Mr Magic).
It’s gonna be a stretch to be last week, but so far He wacky-mole skills has been impressive!
Joy and her ilk don’t do well on standardized exams. There’s a good reason for that.
Joy and the rest of Libs don’t care who dies as long as they get their way. POSs.
That dumbass has never been to Canada and knows less than 0 about its outdated military. Canada relies on US miltary.
If the US was to invade, Canadians would have used plastic straws as pea shooters if they still existed.
Invasion wouldn’t last longer than waiting for an order at a drivethru.
I am visiting there now and I give up. Lol
I try to stimulate analytical thought, so my posts are JMHO - FYI. I read voraciously because I am deaf, so I do think I am very well read on everything GSE, Though, I am older and can not recall every finite detail as far as numbers and court cases. I have been in this for 17-18 years thoough. I have shares I bought at approx $34 and 0.075, and at $6 and many at $2 and below. So you can call me a lifer. Seen all the JPS nonsense and called it out, got banned, LOL Truth hurts. I saw the train coming a mile off as soon as the government crapped itself and could not replace the GSE's. As I have said many times, the GSE'S were structured by way more intelligent folks WHO WERE BIPARTISAN, many years ago, so the current crowd has no idea how to make them better, so release is the most practical path.
Trump is old school! Thank God. And he see's his escape from the cowardly excutionn as a mandate from God! Who wouldn't! This is a great hope for commons, who have also experienced massive injustice, not unlike Trump has, for years. If I make out on this, my primary goal is not to live a life of super luxry, but to help those who i can that are really in need. I think anyone here should commit to that since Karma dictates what goes arounf comes around. This is why the JPS theory and philosophy will most likely fail, because it is a pure greed standing. The courts saw that.
Spot on Rodney, they really want 2 wrongs to make a right. In a 45 year career it has never once been correct. And that WILL bring about the real largest class action of all time.
Yes! KISS method always works. Not Ktard19 manipulated jumbled mess.
There's more DIsinformation going on on the FNMA board than good information. People posting incredibly worng payouts on the court case that just got signed off by Lambterd and posting FNMA is part of the class, THEY ARE NOT! Only the fannie prefs are included. Kthomp is much like Rosie Odonell, Pelosi and AOC combined. Hung up on her pardigms and unwilling to view the unlimited scenarios that could take place. She is very stuck in the mud and trying to slam post anyone giving positive commons info, part ego - part desperation, so that should tell you all you need to know. Kthomp, Bradford, Manwithnobrain, Clark,etc are all posting under more than one ID. Trying hard to get common holders to buy JPS because they most likely bought the majority they own at 1/2 price or higher, a few may have them at bassement bargain prices, ike I did (FNMAS $1.60), but I think they got an awful long wait for full par value and dividends as well. If the government succeeds in implementing this soverign wealth fund and putting anything GSE in it, it will be a special class of share (pref) that will be paying the government a backstop/commitment fee forever, before JPS or commons. Yeah, I know, JPS will whine they can't stop paying the JPS dividends, but the JPS contracts say they can! they have been without dividens for 16+ years now and have they not realized this simple fact???LOL
Even if the government releases the GSE's, I do think they may try to keep some type of control, they already are by appointing new BOD's that you can bet will follow whatever the plan is, yet to be revealed. JPS think they hold all the cards, LOL Ha ha ha , they hold none. If this goes to the utility model then JPS likely are offered a buy out below par, option would be to sit with zero dividends, never reaching par because of the government super-pref. They wiill not buy them out with more shares, highly doubtful because KISS = Keep it simple stupid! the governments going to want them to suffer for the court cases earlier on, so they'll get a percentage of par. It would not surprise me in the least if it ends up ONE class of pref only, the governments, which pays a dividend for backstop/commitment fee, then common shares. Maybe they put the governments prefs in the soverign wealth fund and keep the commons public but with a utility like dividend. This would actaully kind of make sense because the government would not need to worry about two separate and differing share classes if there's ever another 2008. Would the market accept this? Government pref shares super protected and reimbursed in the soverign wealth fund while commons public and act like commons....hmmmm, who knows? This would give government the leverage they want over the GSE's since they now realize they are SIFI (significantly important financial institutions) to big to fail businesses. Devil would be in the details as to how they word the legal doc for the governments pref class (congress?).
If you fail to recognize a basic rule of life here, then you are doomed in this investment. "He who has the gold, makes the rules." JPS make zero rules - lol. It's the governments game, they not only make the rules, but can change them for whatever reason they need to happen, courts are in on it, there should be no doubt about that now after the last few months. Jps sit no higher or lower than commons - THERE's YOUR CAPITAL STACK! lol, they need to learn to accept that.
Kthomp has zero idea how this soverign wealth fund affects JPS, but she is already supposing a super benefit to JPS. LMAO. She didn't know if Trump was going to win, she didn't know when Lambterd was going to sign off, she didn't know about many things that have taken place since the election! DODGE, Musk, the head of HUD, Lutnik, etc. These are all variables that affect or situation, and that is a fluid situation until the writing is on the wall and the plan is revealed, but don't tell her that, let her keep living in fantasy land. I would say NOW, JPS are more "at risk" then commons. A bit more time will tell.
Bump, remember them.
Interesting thoughts on the udder board. although no one posting is retardish, and anyone who really is in that category should have the sympathy and support of all of us, for that burden is great.
kthomp19 is paid common lunatic hater with LOW IQ LEVEL ,HAVING MENTAL RETARDATION .
But you need to be aware that in the final days the culture of society will become extremely fierce. People will be self-centered lovers of themselves and obsessed with money. They will boast of great things as they strut around in their arrogant pride and mock all that is right. They will ignore their own families. They will ignore their own families. They will be ungrateful and ungodly. They will become addicted to hateful and malicious slander. Slaves to their desires, they will be ferocious, belligerent haters of what is good and right. With brutal treachery, they will act without restraint, bigoted and wrapped in clouds of their conceit. They will find their delight in the pleasures of this world more than the pleasures of the loving God. They may pretend to have a respect for God, but in reality they want nothing to do with God’s power. Stay away from people like these!
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
EU Scraps $800+ BILLION Aid Package to Ukraine. As our 47th POTUS said to the warmonger Ukraine idiot dictator, you don't have the cards without us, you have nothing. The EU is not stupid to chip into the billions of billion stupid war for Ukraine neither good for the EU nor Russia. More humanity is suffering and more devastated Ukrainian cities. This dictator Ukraine thinking will win the war with Russia with the help of sleepy Joe, not even knowing who he was signing for J6 pardon with an autopen. Big mistake: the idiot dictator Ukraine insists on joining stupid NATO. Now look at it, everything beautiful about Ukraine is gone. People died except the warmongers continue to use innocent dying for their stupid war. This war should never happen. Someone keeps popping the nose of Russia's sovereignty. Some mockers out to be tried for war crimes, the one that pushed for the war between Russia and Ukraine and your mocker knows who you are. Many innocents died and buildings in Ukraine were destroyed because of your mockery period. The fucking stupid dictator warmonger should shake hands with the Russian leader and save the people's lives and beautiful cities. Instead, now all the infrastructure cities leveling with nothing left. Is this what idiot dictator warmonger wants to win the war? Coming to WH and wearing the fck cheap clothes and asking for sympathy and more $$$$ for war fck that? What about the taxpayers in the US? How much $$$$ need to spend on the stupid war instead of MAGA? There are so many things to do here in the US instead of wasting $$$$ on this fck stupid idiot warmonger. God bless America and God bless the 47th DJT to keep the world from devastating humanity's destruction. Also, F&F needs to be out of Cship. The previous crooks board of directors of FHFA in charge finally be kicked out of the door and fck them all for holding up F&F in Cship for their bs agenda abuse 300 Billion get from F&F SH is not enough???? Thank you to the new leadership in charge of FHFA, Bill Pulte, for MAGA and restoring the iconic F&F great again. Bottom line, crooks from the previous admin FHFA need to fire all of them. Questions to the previous crooks in charge: what have you done in the last 4 years under the crook-run government? The answer is, your crooks did nothing except collecting $$$$ paycheck from taxpayers period and on the news tv bs talked here and there.
Can the Constitution Be BOTH Dangerous AND Sacred?
Yes, if one believes 1+1=5
Yes, if one believes 2 men can have a baby.
Yes, if one believes in gender fluidity.
It's not up for debate. Elected officials have already sworn to Uphold, Defend and Protect The Constitution. You signed on in agreement when you took your Oath of Office. If you now disagree, resign and ship out to another country that honors your newfound beliefs. It's the law of our land. It's that simple.
Constitution Under Direct Assault by DEMS Which They Are Under Oath and Sworn to Uphold, Defend & Protect
58:00 mark
Schumer needs to spend more time looking in the mirror!
Corrupt Judges Including SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts
THE PROCESS - How Judges are Corrupted
56:30 Mark
Virtually guaranteed our very own Judge Lamberth is being paid off and is one of them! Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this.
NYT Propaganda: Musk To Be Briefed On War With China
MSM all bought off! ...and that includes their reporting on the GSE's over the past 17 years!
27:00 mark
Would you rather have the DEMS in charge right now?
25:50 mark
China Has Heavily Infiltrated Our Gov
False accusations against Elon Musk regarding involvement with China
Congress men & women working with China
Clintons handing over top secret missile guidance tech to China
Beginning @ 14:00 mark
DEMS Rooting for NATO to go to war with US. Disgraced host Joy Reid, the has-been that never was, says Canada could win a war with US.
Beginning @ 9:00 min mark
DEMS sinking fast.
Federal Reserve has announced that they are preparing to roll over to Trump. 😲
Beginning @ 7:30 mark
Can't argue with Trump's latest economic moves. They're working! Attempts last week by globalists to crash Wall Street with their massive "Put" options failed.
Controlled Media
Thompson-Reuters run by MI6, UK's equivalent of the CIA.
Beginning @ 6:00 mark
Why do you think they spent so much money on leasing that building? Bloomberg has an agenda against releasing the gses always had. Virtually every article you will see a blurb about hedge funds getting rich if they are released.
No longs should ever post in FNMA board again, they are systematically targetting everyone, and our little man from Miami is heading up all attacks on everyone. whats trully wonderful is stock price for commons just keeps climbing and climbing as they do it, ever so closer to PAR.😁
there is complete psychosis around this country, even on investing sites. Dummies are reposting Bryndon F. posts on X. He not only is not good for Commons, he is a lib that hates this country. I wonder if he is sneaking around at night looking for Tesla's. complete nutjob.
Finally, all the crooks in charge of F&F under sleepy Joe and con man Obama left over got fired by the greatest business executive nominated by the senate. All the crooks do just photo ops and bs talk here and there and fraud and waste and abuse. Allow the employees to work remotely against executive orders? Yes, all the employees at F&F get paid by taxpayers and, yes, the senators did vote for a new FHFA director to eliminate how messy were left by sleepy Joe the last 4 years. To MAGA, the left must all get fire what goes around comes for what they did F&F SH the last 17 years abuse and fck war $$$ from taxpayers for Ukraine and Russia. They left no idea how devastated many people died during the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Probably because none of their loved ones died in the wars instead someone else died OK and our 47th DJT is absolutely correct. WWIII will happen soon if the crooks dumborats continue in charge. God bless America and DJT 47th POTUS and DOGE. The left were pissed off because they are no longer riffing off the $$$$ from taxpayers well get used to it. Billions of billions have been riffed off from F&F SH in the last 17 years. Enough is enough. Stop hypocrisy about protecting democracy and pretend nothing happened about this mockery lowlife going around to destroy the Tesla mom-and-pop business. The left completely maroon the astronauts in ISS disregard of the offer from Elon rescue plans just because of their political views. Bottom line fck the dumborats and people flee the Democratic Party due to their fck bad policy and the crooks judge shall have no business to poke their nose bs to 47th POTUS business period and 100% agreed those crooks judge need to be impeached in order MAGA
There is some type of "social algorithm" with da udder board. Ya wonder if they have to be a their local bar to provide 'misery enjoys company' talk-instead of wine and dine
Pulte on X. He probably was told not to provide so much XXX activities and the transparency from those home bound workers - FIRED! (Rumor has it that it is highlighted he was giving subtle hints on ending the twins)...
I think we see the writing on the wall ...🙂
Does a building need to be used every single day fully in order for it to be useful?
And you can say that about every single company, that much financial waste would make their financials better. Did you look at the financials? In 2024, Freddie's net income was 11.9 bil and Fannie had a net income of 17bil.
Of course, they can do better, but I question if this Pulte really knows what he is doing.
It doesn't help that I find articles like this:
Then also see that a lot of people have invested into Freddie and Fannie after its privatization talks. There were even the talks about adding Fannie to the Sovereign Wealth Fund.
49 employees out of 2500 even on Monday is way too high. They are technically government chartered. If there wasn't so much wasted their financials would be so much better. $59 million for office lease annually with amazing office amenities. Some developer got paid nicely.
Just FYI note the wording in this "at the office"
Conveniently, Pulte came in on a “Monday,” probably purposely too. When the companies have mostly hyrbid workers and remote workers, and they aren't required to go to office every day.
And both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac employees are “not” government workers.
It's also strange how Pulte talks about how the companies are “underperforming” looking at their financials.
It's pretty clear Pulte was told to stop posting inside information after Patswil posting Pulte reply to his X post on the other board. Seems only Congress is entitled to those privileges. It's about time we get business types back in office to restore power back to the people rather than bureaucrats who steal it all for themselves and their cronies. May the Texas Chainsaw massacre continue. Go Musk go!
Sad that Pulte hasn’t continued his X posts. They were entertaining and they were creating hype.
I held back at tear, poor Schumer being ripped a new one by Pelosi. The horror, lol
Leprechaun wife didn’t get me anything for St Patties day, no whisky, lol
That whining Ame keeps on changing the $ level bar. She can keep her Bff Bradturd.
So true, more has been done with the GSEs the past 2 weeks than 13 nws and 17 years ago.
Looking forward to more changes.
In the meantime- slurpee at 7 11, lol
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